We're Done

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I'm standing by Shrek's house, peeking through the window as Fiona is going ballistic. She's crying, yelling, and tossing her cookies, and it's a whole mess. Shrek's kids are standing there, totally confused about why their big green dad is splitting with their mom.Finally, Shrek shuffles out with a suitcase, looking like a sad onion. He meets my eyes, and it's like a punch in the gut. He collapses into my huge hands, blubbering about how his kids are gonna hate him."My kids, Mickey. They're gonna hate me. They're gonna hate me!!!" Shrek sobs, and I'm just there, hugging the big lug, both of us having a total cry fest on the doorstep. It's like a scene from a melodramatic movie.After what feels like a gazillion years, we pull ourselves together a bit. Shrek sniffs, wipes his tears, and then he hits me with this intense gaze. "Mickey," he says, voice all shaky, "I never thought I'd find someone who gets me like you do. You've been my rock through all of this, and I... I love you, Mickey."Okay, hold up. Did Shrek just drop the L-bomb on me? My big ears are practically tingling with shock. But then, from the depths of my cartoonish soul, I'm like, "Shrek, I love you too. We'll get through this together. No matter what happens, you're not alone."And just when I thought the drama couldn't get any more intense, Shrek does something totally unexpected. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a ring, and pops the question like we're in some fairy tale. "Mickey," he says, with this goofy yet sincere smile, "will you be my forever buddy?"


And it feels like our story just started.

the end. 


The Aftermath: Shrek and Mickey Mouse Smut Uwu Book 2Where stories live. Discover now