Day 1: Baby it's cold outside

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Charles couldn't remember whose idea it was to go on a walk in the snow when it was -5 degrees. Actually that was a lie, he knew exactly whose fault it was. The reason why he was freezing his balls off (despite wearing god knows how many layers of thick sweaters, thermals and a puffy coat) was because of his boyfriend Erik. He had to admit that the walk in the winter wonderland that was known as New York at Christmas time had some merits, the soft fall of snow on the ground while they walked through the dark streets lit up by the blazing street lamps created a picturesque scene that Charles loved. It was a peaceful night to be out, just the two of them strolling along underneath the ink stained sky, Erik's arm wrapped tightly around Charles' waist.  Shivering because of the bitter air, Charles lent into Erik's embrace, resting his head on the taller man's chest.

"Are you alright Charles?" Erik murmured gently, bending down so his mouth was pressed against Charles' ear.

The hot breath on his skin made Charles shiver again however he couldn't help but smile, he loved the feeling of Erik's breath on his skin, it provided him with a comfort he couldn't quite explain as it warmed his insides. 

"Yeah, just cold." Charles responded.

"It is winter you know." Erik chuckled, carefully brushing a snowflake out of Charles' eye.

"Not helpful."

Erik pressed a soft kiss to Charles' lips then murmured "we can't have you catching a cold, come on let's get you back into the warm."

Charles allowed himself to be led back to their apartment, a small smile etched on his face. No matter what they did together, the moments he liked best were the quite times they were together and Charles got to see the soft side to his Erik that not many people knew existed. The small things were more meaningful than the big things to Charles. The extravagant dates were nothing compared to the small, thoughtful actions of his lover. Reminding him to take a coat, making sure he was feeling ok, giving him his sweater when he was cold, They all caused Charles to feel warm inside and they made him thankful for the man he would proudly call the love of his life forever. 

"I love you." He whispered when they were back inside the warmth of their home.

"I love you too." Erik smiled, bringing his lips to Charles' once more. 

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