Day 7: That's not how the song goes

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Charles was strolling through the hall on his way to help set up the Christmas tree when he heard a mellow voice singing merrily. Recognising it as Erik, he smiled softly as he turned the corner and spotted his partner helping Alex, Sean, Raven and Hank decorate the Christmas tree.

"Charles is here!" Sean shouted when he caught sight of him.

Erik turned around faster than anyone had ever seen him move before. Grinning brightly at Charles, he walked over to him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Hey handsome." Erik murmured.

"Hello love." Charles whispered, standing on his tiptoes so he could press a gentle kiss to Erik's lips. 

Raven fake wretched "I did not want to see my brother snogging someone."

"Puh-lease, if you think that was a snog, you evidently haven't had much experience." Alex snorted.

After flipping Alex off, Raven glanced back over towards Charles and smiled slightly at the sight of him standing with his head rested on Erik's chest. Erik rested his cheek against Charles' head while he hugged the smaller man tightly. 

"Quit making us all feel single." she chuckled goodnaturedly. 

Glancing at each other with the most in love expressions plastered on their faces, Charles and Erik (grudgingly) pulled away from each other. 

"Who's going to put the star on top of the tree?" Hank asked once everyone's attention had turned back towards the decorations. 

"We haven't finished decorating yet." Sean pointed out. 

"True." Alex agreed, meticulously placing a bauble on a branch near the top of the tree. 

Erik was singing under his breath and Charles was about to join in when he realised that Erik had got the lyrics completely wrong. 

"Deck the halls with poison ivy
Fa la la la la la la la
If you touch it you'll be sorry
Fa la la la la la la la
Break a window pop a tire
Fa la la la la la la la
Set the christmas tree on fire
Fa la la la la la la la." 

Chuckling, Charles murmured in Erik's ear "That's not how the song goes my dear."

"It's a better version." Came the response. 

Charles kissed Erik's cheek lightly, "I love you, idiot. Never change."

Erik blushed slightly causing those who saw to snort with unconcealed laughter. They always found it amusing when cold, emotionless Erik was reduced to a blushing mess as though he were a teenage girl talking about their crush. It was only ever Charles who could make him blush so you can be damn sure that whenever he managed it, a smug smirk would be present on his face.

Unable to bear the smug expression on Charles' face, Erik kissed him passionately. 

"That's one way to shut him up."

"Fancy trying that yourself Raven?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely not."

When they broke apart, Erik floated the star over to Charles and stated "Hold it, I'll lift you up."

Raven was immensely glad that she had her camera on her (like she did most of the time) as otherwise she wouldn't have been able to capture the perfect moment to go in a photo frame for a Christmas present (see she can be nice sometimes). 

"I swear to God Erik if you drop me I'm going to kill you."

"You wouldn't dare."

He expertly lifted Charles up until he was on his shoulders so that he could place the star on top of the tree.

"You would, you pushed me off a satellite." Sean grumbled.

"He'd happily injure you - anyone would." Alex snorted. 

"Plus this is Charles we are talking about." Hank stated.

"True, he's the only person the grumpy idiot genuinely cares about." Raven laughed.

Erik lowered Charles back onto the ground carefully then pulled him into a hug. He held him tightly, whispering his ongoing declaration of love and sealing it with a kiss. Charles was content to stay in that position forever, he was home after all, Erik's arms were the safest place he could ever be. He most definitely would not have moved if it wasn't for the fact that Raven threw a slipper at them. 

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