Day 10: O Christmas tree

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"Erik can you come here please." Charles called from the living room.

Strolling out of the kitchen Erik stopped and stared at the sight of Charles, well what was supposed to be Charles. The man was hidden behind a giant Christmas tree that was definitely bigger than the six foot door.

"Charles what on earth...?" He asked, trailing off.

"Can you help me please?" Charles begged.

"You do realise that that is six foot door and that tree is definitely not six feet?" Erik chuckled amusedly, not moving from where he stood.

"Yes i know it's a 6 foot door and this tree is at least 8 feet tall but i'm not asking for advice i'm asking for help." Charles responded.

Despite the very large tree blocking the view of his beautiful boyfriend, Erik could tell that he was rolling his eyes with a pleading pout.

"Alright alright I'll help you."

"Thank you."

Laughing, Erik bent down and grabbed the trunk of the Christmas tree, "step to the side Charles," he instructed before tugging the tree.

Evidently Charles hadn't moved because Erik heard a muffled cry "Erik you're hitting me with the tree."

"I told you to move, you fool." He sighed.

Charles had evidently scrambled to move because the next time he yanked the tree, he was not met with an irritated groan. It didn't take long for Erik to get the tree inside.

"Try not to break anything." Charles laughed when he heard a giant crash coming from the living room.

"It was that vase Raven got you as a joke." He called - knowing that Charles hated that vase with every fibre of his being. Raven knew he hated it which was precisely why she got it for him.

"Oh thank God," he sighed, "she won't shout at me and I don't have to keep that stupid vase any longer."

Erik snorted then adjusted the tree so it was standing in the pot that was conveniently placed in the corner ready for the tree to be put inside it.

"I'm gonna need a hand Char." Erik grinned.

Chuckling, Charles helped Erik lift the tree into the pot before dragging him onto the sofa so he could flop on top of him.

"Thank you." Charles smiled into his neck.

"You're welcome idiot." Erik smiled, absentmindedly picking pine needles out of Charles' hair.

He didn't care that his boyfriend may just be one of the most foolish people he knew, what mattered was that he was the only man he'd want to spend the day trying to get a giant Christmas tree into their house with.

"I love you." Charles murmured quietly.

"I love you too Schatz." Erik whispered, kissing Charles on the top of his head.

Shortly after, Charles fell asleep and he couldn't help but smile as there was nowhere else he would rather be than with Charles.

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