Day 4: I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

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Snow had settled on the ground. The freshly fallen snow was calling out for someone or something to walk across it and blemish its perfect appearance. The students of Xavier's school for gifted youngsters stared longingly out into the grounds, waiting with a surprising amount of patience for their headmaster to come down for breakfast so that they could ask him if they cold go outside and play in the snow. 

When the Professor wheeled in, he was swarmed by a group of excitable children, all of  whom were desperate to go out in the snow.


"Professor X."



"Professor Xavier."

"Yes my lovelies?" Charles asked, a fond smile stretched across his face.

"Can we go out in the snow?" They chorused excitedly.

Looking outside, Charles chuckled,"you may but, you will have to wait until after breakfast when Mr Lehnsherr is up, ok?"

The reactions of students were mixed, some nodded understandingly, some pouted as they felt the need to object while the occasional one or two giggled. It was common knowledge that the professor and Mr Erik Lehnsherr were a couple however they were so very rarely intimate outside of the privacy of Charles' office or their bedroom, several students found it funny when one mentioned the other.

Ushering the students to the breakfast table, Charles shot Erik a small smile as he walked into the room.

"Why are they so excited to see me?" Erik whispered to Charles once they were all sat down and eating breakfast, "I thought everyone hated me."

"I told them that after breakfast, when you were up they could go out in the snow." Charles grinned.

Rolling his eyes, Erik stole a tomato from Charles' plate and shoved it into his mouth before murmuring "so that's how you got them to like me you sneaky idiot."

"No I was being responsible headmaster and informing them that they needed more adult supervision before they could go out and play in the snow."

"Same thing."

They finished eating their breakfast, their hands clasped underneath the table before Erik stood up and announced "children, if you have finished eating and want to go out in the snow, go get changed into warm clothes and I will meet you by the door."

Even if the children hadn't finished their breakfast, they all sprinted up to their rooms to get changed into warm clothes.

"Will you be joining us outside Charles?" Erik asked his love.

"I shall have to get into my other wheelchair but yes, I shall join you." Charles smiled.

"What, your magic one Hank made you when you are needed on missions?" Erik smirked, knowing full well it would wind Charles up.

"It's not magic, it's specially designed so that I can hover when the ground is too uneven for me to be able to get around." Charles responded defensively.

Smiling fondly, Erik lent down and pressed a kiss to Charles' forehead.

"Make sure you wrap up warm." He murmured, gently squeezing Charles' shoulder before walking over to the front door and to get his coat.

Awwww you're blushing, a voice projected.

I am not blushing, Charles projected back, refusing to give into the fact that he was indeed blushing bright red because Erik kissed him on the forehead.

Your hover craft is by the door.

It's not a hover craft, idiot.

Of course, my mistake, Mr I-blushed-because-my-partner-kissed-me.

Why do I love you?

I, like most people in the world, have no idea.


You love me.


Love you too Charles.

Charles felt his cheeks warm up at Erik's words. Smiling broadly he wheeled into the back hall where he spotted Erik helping a student into their coat. After all the students were ready, Erik opened the door and they all ran outside, excited to play in the snow.

Looking up at the feeling of the familiar metal of his partner's wheelchair, Erik commented "you're blushing."

"Shut up."

Chuckling, Erik passed Charles his coat, scarf and gloves. Smiling appreciatively, Charles donned then before transferring to his other wheelchair. They exited the school after Erik had put on his own coat and gloves.

Snowballs were being thrown left, right and center and dozens of snow figures had popped up all over the garden. Charles left Erik's side to go and check on the children and see what they were doing. He was met by several students animatedly debating whose snow figure was the best.

Erik was more content in making his own snowmen of his own, occasionally pausing if a student came near however most dared not disturb him.

Eventually, Charles hovered back over to Erik and smiled at how peaceful he looked. Chuckling at the snowmen his partner had made he asked "why is one of your snow men a head shorter than the other?"

"It's you and me." Erik responded, a large smirk on his face.

"I'm not that much shorter than you." Charles commented, rolling his eyes.

"Yes you are."

"Making fun of your poor paralysed partner who can't get taller because he can't stand? Low shot there Lehnsherr." Charles replied dryly.

Shaking his head at his partner's dramatics, Erik turned to face Charles,  "if it were a low shot you wouldn't have felt it."

Catching his eye, Charles smiled at Erik, a small smile that they so often share when he is letting him know that he is ok with anything he may say.


"I love you." Erik announced suddenly, dropping to his knees in front of Charles.

"I love you too." Charles smiled back.

This was one of the times when he didn't mind showing his affection in public, besides all the children were busy playing in the snow so Charles indulged and pressed a gentle kiss to Erik's lips.

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