Day 3: Meet me by the fireplace

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When Charles looked out the window and saw the thick snow coating the garden he grinned broadly. Erik was supposed to be at work today however if they were snowed in it may mean he got to spend some time with his husband. Turning his head back to face Erik, Charles smiled at the peaceful expression on his face. He loved watching Erik sleep, the small smile that was etched on his face never failed to bring a small, fond smile to Charles' lips. It was rare that Charles got to see his husband this content, given that he always slept in later than Erik, his husband was extremely guarded about what feelings he showed when they were with other people and Erik's immensely stressful job (which he said was made stressful because he had to talk to people that wasn't Charles) provided him with copious amounts of stress so when he was granted with this rare occasion, Charles savoured it for as long as possible. Gradually, Charles began to doze off so, snuggling further under the duvet for it was remarkably chilly that morning, he let the comforting heat that always seemed to radiate off Erik help ease him back to sleep.  

Roughly 5 hours later, Charles awoke, his eyes bleary and his mind fogged with disorientation. He lazily reached his hand out and felt for Erik's hoodie which he had carelessly discarded on the floor beside his bed the night before. When he found it he donned it quickly, stretched, jammed his feet into his slippers before shuffling out of the room, sad to see that the other side of the bed was empty. His heart lifted however at the sight of his husband humming as he pottered around the kitchen, flicking the switch on the coffee machine with his powers while he stacked plates away. 

"Morning darling." Charles called, his voice slightly croaky from sleep.

"I wondered when you'd emerge." Erik chuckled, before walking over to Charles and wrapping him in a strong embrace. 

Resting his head on Erik's chest, Charles held on to his husband tightly, never wanting to let go.

"You're in my hoodie." Erik murmured against Charles' head.

"And you're not at work." Charles whispered, not denying Erik's statement however offering no other words of confirmation.

"Got the day off, we're snowed in Schatz."


Erik looked down at Charles amusedly, raising one eyebrow slightly as though he were asking a question without voicing it out loud. 

"I get to spend the whole day with my husband, if that's not excellent then I don't know what is." Charles smiled.

Eyes softening, Erik bent down and pressed a kiss to Charles' lips tenderly. It was not a kiss either of them were planning on rushing - they had all day after all. The kiss was slow and intimate, one that, while innocently chaste, was not something that would have been performed in public. After breaking apart for air, Erik pulled his husband closer so that he could kiss  him once again, this time more passionately, his lips devouring the soft red ones beneath his. One of Charles' hands tangled into Erik's hair while the other was hooked around his waist. 

"Hot Chocolate and a film?" Erik suggested after their customary morning make-out sesh.

Charles nodded, "That sounds perfect, is-"

"Yes Schatz, the fire is on, I started it when I got up as I knew you'd be freezing otherwise." Erik smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Charles began to help Erik sort out the drinks before they walked into the living room hand in hand to get settled. They placed their drinks on the coffee table in front of the sofa before Erik pulled Charles down onto his lap. Tugging a thick blanket over them, Charles made himself comfortable in Erik's lap. His husband smiled down at him fondly and wrapped his arms around his waist. Melting into the embrace, Charles asked "so what did you want to watch?"

"I don't mind, did you want to watch a Christmas film?"

"You know, because it's so rare that we get to spend the whole day together I was wondering if we could do a movie marathon." Charles stated.

"What films were you thinking?" Erik asked curiously, his eyes shining with lov as he looked at the small man nestled in his lap.

"The lord of the rings trilogy." Charles announced. 

Chuckling at the randomness of Charles' decision, Erik questioned "any particular reason, not that I'm complaining?"

"Because the lord of the rigs trilogy is really long and I want to make the most of the time we have together today."

Erik's smiled fondly at his husband and pressed a kiss to the top of his head, "sounds perfect." he murmured.

Excitedly, Charles put on the first film, resting his head on Erik's shoulder. They didn't move much that day, only for the occasional bathroom break or to replenish their drinks and grab some snacks but, for them, feeling the warmth from the crackling fire an the comfort of their bodies pressed together in a comforting embrace while the films played was a perfect way to spend a day. 

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