Day 12: All I want for Christmas is...

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Charles picked up the phone as it rang on his desk and smiled at the name displayed on the screen.

"Hello darling."

"Hello Charles." Erik's voice responded, his smile evident from his tone of voice.

"How nice to hear from you."

"I missed you."

"And I you my love."

"How's the school going?"

"It's going very well thanks, I've had to employ even more teachers than ever because of how many new students we've had join the school."

Erik smiled as his partner chattered excitedly down the phone at him and he realised that this was what he was missing. He loved fighting for what was right but at the same time he missed Charles a lot.

"How's your..."

Charles never knew quite what to call Erik's job. To be fair it seemed to change every week.

"It's going well thanks," Erik chuckled before continuing, "I actually called to ask you what you wanted for Christmas."

"You don't have to get me anything." Charles insisted, despite his heart fluttering with fondness.

He knew Erik would get him something anyway, the man was ridiculously stubborn, so he was not surprised when he responded "I do, what do you want for Christmas."

"To spend time with you." Charles whispered softly.

Erik's heart was beating a hundred miles an hour it was in that moment he realised that, while he may not celebrate Christmas, he wanted nothing more than to spend time with Charles on this special day. It appeared that he had to make some arrangements.

"That can be arranged."

The grin on Charles' face refused to drop off after the phone call had finished. Erik kept his word so the prospect of seeing him kept him elated through the stress.

Christmas Day came around a lot quicker than expected. During the rush of getting things ready for Christmas, Charles hadn't had the chance to talk to Erik. He assumed he was still coming as he hadn't heard anything different however it depended on whether or not he could get away from the Brotherhood.

At midday there was a knock at the door so Charles wheeled into the entrance hall to answer it. Staring up into the grey eyes of his love he beamed "you came."

"Of course, I don't break my promises."

Charles struggled to hold back his tears of joy at the sight of his beloved. Erik bent down and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"I have a present for you." Erik murmured, taking a deep breath, allowing himself to draw forward all his remaining confidence.

"Erik I told you you didn't have to." Charles scolded fondly.

"You told me that all you wanted for Christmas was to spend time with me and I've come to realise that that is what I want. Not just for one day though, for the rest of my life," Erik took one final steady breath before getting down on one knee and asking, "Charles, will you marry me?"

Gasping, the tears Charles had been trying to hold back gushed out. Slowly he turned to stare at Erik and whispered "yes."

The ring floated out of the box and onto Charles' finger, after a moment it adjusted so it was the perfect size.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Erik got up with Charles' help then gently kissed him on the lips, pouring all the affection he had for the smaller man into it.

A round of applause broke them apart, their faces red and their smiled wide. Turning towards their audience Charles nodded at Logan who had silently raised his glass, an amused expression on his face.

"Surprised it took so long." Raven stated which Charles took as a sisterly form of congratulations.

"Come on let's give them a bit of privacy." Hank announced before leading the children and dragging some of the gaping teachers out of the room.

"I love you." Erik murmured.

"And I you."

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