Day 5: Wrap me up in your sweater

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Charles was cold. Scratch that, Charles was always cold. However it was worse because he couldn't find his sweater and had to get to class in approximately three minutes. The rest of his sweaters were in the wash an it would be most unprofessional of him to wear a coat inside. Rummaging through his closet, Charles found something he hadn't seen in years. A simple black turtleneck. He never thought he would see it again. Somehow, even after all that time folded up in the back of Charles' closet, it still smelt faintly of Erik's cologne. He picked it up gently, breathing in the achingly familiar scent, and chucked it on before walking out of the room. 

Charles rolled briskly to his class however he never got there as a mind reached out to him with a message that made him change the course of his direction. 

Charles, there is someone at the door.

Who is it Hank?

I think you should come and see for yourself.

Very well, can you tend to my class please?

Of course. 

When Charles arrived in the entrance hall he found that Hank had decided not to let the mystery person in, instead favouring to shut the door in their face and go to take care of Charles' class. Opening the door, Charles inhaled sharply at the sight of the man stood in front of him. Tall, grey eyes, mousy brown hair. It was him.


Erik took the helmet off his head, allowing Charles to be greeted by the familiar warmth that he associated with his mind.

"Hello Charles." Erik responded, smiling softly. 

"What are you doing here?" Charles asked, his voice coming out only just above a whisper.

"I came to see you, may we go to your office?"

Nodding, Charles led Erik towards his office where they had spent so long together in the past. It looked identical to when he was last in there, Erik thought. Catching the stray thought being profected, Charles chuckled, "That's because I haven't changed it."

Charles gestured for Erik to sit down while he busied himself with pouring them drinks.

"I missed you," Erik announced softly, "I wanted to see you Charles, my god I missed you." 

Charles wheeled himself back over to Erik and passed him his drink. Their hands brushed together ever so slightly sending fireworks off in their stomachs. Giving in to the temptation he had managed to resist for about five minutes, Charles entwined their fingers together. 

"I missed you too Erik." Charles smiled.

"I wanted to ask if I could stay with you for a few days. It's close to Christmas and a want to be able to spend the holiday with you." 

"Of course old friend, you are always welcome here." Charles beamed.

Leaning forward, Erik gently kissed Charles on the lips, cupping his chin gently with one hand. Smiling into the kiss, Charles wheeled himself ever so slightly closer so that he could wrap his arms around Erik's neck and deepen the kiss. Eventually, they pulled away for a breath and Erik rested his forehead on Charles'. As he caught his breath, he noticed a familiar smell coming off Charles and, when he noticed what he was wearing it all made sense.

"You're in my turtleneck." Erik chuckled.

"I couldn't find my sweater and all my others are in the wash." Charles shrugged.

"You kept it?"

"It was in the back of my wardrobe."

"Sentimental old fool."

"You're older than me." Charles snorted.

Instead of respond, Erik lent forward and kissed Charles again, more deeply than the first time, pouring all the fierce love and passion he had into the kiss.

"I love you." Erik murmured when they pulled apart.

"I love you too darling." 

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