Chapter 4 - The shy one in the library

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The next day, I was already at school, when my sister came to talk to me.

It was strange, because we were in the middle of class, but she asked the teacher to speak to me.

I left class and went to talk to her.

— Come to the council room, everyone is there.

— But everyone is in class.

— No, now it's a council meeting.

— Oh, okay.

Why was it just me who didn't know it was a meeting?

We walked and got there.

When we opened the door, a bunch of confetti was thrown into the air and onto my body, when I heard:

— Welcome! - All four members present there said.

This was quite unexpected.

— The meeting is your welcome party, sister. Did you like it?

— Ah, thank you very much for your consideration.

— I hope you have a lot of fun here!

— I will.

— Anyway, we have the vice president, Kaito, from 3-A.

— Yo!

— And we have the other members, Rina and Kaede, both from 2-B.

— I'm Kaede!

— And I'm Rina !

— Thanks for the reception.

— There's no need to be so formal, Nagisa, we're all friends here. - Said Kaito.

— Yes, relax! - Said Rina.

— Oh, ok then. I will be more relaxed.

— Keep speaking formally, it's difficult for you, right?

— She has difficulty communicating, Kaede, she'll get used to it.

In fact, I was shaking inside. A surprise party? With people I don't know? That to me is an unbelievable thing to happen. Did my sister forget about this? It's not her fault, but still, someone get me out of here...

— What's life like for a girl? - Rina asked.

— Rina, don't ask that kind of question.

— It's okay, Rin, I don't care about that.

— If you say so...

— It's normal, honestly, not much changed when I had another body and another life. But in case you want my opinion on being a girl, I don't have it yet.

— Interesting, thanks for responding!

— And wait, were you always this little, Nagisa? - Rina said, approaching me to compare me and my sister.

— I've always been this tall, it hasn't changed.

—  You are very cute! - Rina started to stroke my hair.

— Rina, she's ashamed!

— Oh, I'm sorry, it was kind of automatic!

I didn't really care about people I knew touching my hair, but strangers, I was very embarrassed. Yes, sometimes I feel feelings.

— She's much cuter when she's embarrassed!

— Rina!

I hid behind Rin.

— It's okay, sister, relax.

— Okay...

— Rina, stop being weird! - Said Kaito.

— Sorry, it's uncontrollable!

— I'm going to slap you, stop scaring our new member! - Kaede said.

— Are you okay, Nagisa?

— I think so...

I was still cowering behind my sister.

— Relax, I'm here. - She hugged me.

— Thank you...

— You two are so cute together. - Said Kaito.

— Thanks! She is very special to me, - Rin said.

I just smiled when Rin said that.

— She smiled?! - Kaede said, amazed.

— I'm almost sure so! - Rin said.

— You smiled, sister!

— I don't know what you're talking about.

— It's the first time you've smiled when you're with me, I'm so happy! - She tightened the hug even more.

I think I'm going to suffocate to death.

After some conversations, I finally returned to my room, it was time for the teacher change.

— Where did you go? - Makoto asked.

— Meeting in the student council room.

— How was it?

— Was cool.

— Great.

— What are you going to do on the council?

— They haven't told me yet.

— So what did you do there?

— They just introduced me to the staff.

— Ah, understandable.

Lunch time arrived and I decided to go to the library. I went there at least two days a week, alone, without anyone's company, at least, it was like that until a while ago.

— Are you going to the library, Nagisa?

— Yes, we'll talk later.

I went there and sat at the table where I always sat. The person who always sat in front of me hadn't arrived yet. So I decided to pick up a random book and start reading.

— N-Nagisa...?

I hear a voice calling me, it was her.

— Oh, hi, Kaori!

—So the news was real.

— Sorry for not texting you or coming here sooner. But yes, they are real.

— There's no need to apologize, it's okay, I understand...

Kaori sat in front of me. Kaori is a very shy person, she is in 1-B. We met here at the library and we have a friendship today. She has hair that goes down to her neck, like me, but her hair is black.

— Do you think it's strange that I'm like this?

— N-no, it's not that, it was just too sudden. But I'll treat you like a normal girl, don't worry.

— You can treat me as you always have, I don't want to seem like a strange person to you. I like our friendship.

— I want to treat you how you feel comfortable, but our friendship will remain the same. I promise!

— Ok then.

For some reason, whenever I spoke to Kaori, she would stutter and her face would turn very red.

— How are you?

— I'm fine, normal, I think.

— Is it okay to be a girl?

— I think so.

— I understand...

— And you, are you okay?

— Oh, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

— Great. It's peaceful here, right?

— Yes, I feel at peace here and talking to you.

— Do you like talking to me?

— A-ah, I l-like it, v-very much!

— I'm glad you like it. I try my best.

— Keep doing your best or be yourself, Nagisa.

— I will always continue.

— Are you still going to keep showing up here at the library? - Kaori asked, apprehensively.

— Of course, you're my friend, I like being with you.

She turned even redder.

— Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

— Oh, don't worry, I liked what you said. I was just very embarrassed...

— You don't need to be embarrassed with me, Kaori.

— It's difficult...

— I understand... I'll stop saying these things then.

— No!

—  What?

— Do not stop, please.

— Okay...

What was happening to her?

We continued talking some more. I like Kaori, I identify with her shyness sometimes.

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