A Woman Scorned

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Jennie, Abby, Gustus, and Jake stare at the computer screen as they watch Major General Marcus Kane on a telephone call to the higher ups. Jake had flown into a yelling rage only about twenty minutes after reading the notebook and made Jennie give him Marcus's number. It then proceeded with Jake yelling unintelligibly into the phone at the Major General and Marcus requested Jake take a night to calm down and then Skype him the next morning. They've all spent the morning reading the notebook to the Major General over Skype. He listened intently and the other's watched his face turn to absolute horror as the story went on. Jennie had to excuse herself once more when they got to the morning Lisa had supposedly died to go throw up. Once they were done, Marcus was immediately phoning the higher ups in the division, trying to get an investigation started. All they can do is watch him yell at some of them and then calmly explain the situation. Soon he hangs up the phone and returns his attention to the screen.

"Jennie, can you send me the notebook or better yet, would any one of you be willing to drive it here to D.C. and just meet me somewhere for the exchange?" Marcus asks. Jake starts nodding.

"I'll get it to you today. When we're done with this, i'll get into the car." Jake responds. Marcus nods.

"Here's my personal cell number, put it in your phone and send me a text now. I'll text you where I want to meet up." Marcus gives Jake his phone number and Jake sends him a text.

"So what's going to happen now?" Jennie finally speaks up.

"They want me to photo copy the evidence from the notebook first and foremost and send it their way. They then want me to speak with Maria Artigas, so if you could provide me with her number that would be great. I plan on calling her and getting her statement after we're done here." He replies.

"What about the other people in her platoon? Specifically Officer Sheffield and Private Quint?" Jennie asks harshly. He sighs.

"We can't do anything yet. We have to have the evidence to build the case which will start with the notebook and Mrs. Artigas statement. When I send those over, they will then begin the full investigation." Marcus tries to explain. Jennie glares and shakes her head.

"No. No way. You're just going to let a murderer and an attempted murderer just walk around free?" Jennie spits. Marcus visibly winces. Abby puts her hand on Jennie's shoulder to try and calm her.

"That is not at all what I am doing Jennie. We can't just go arrest them and question them without the evidence. Military court procedure is just like the regular US procedure. We need the evidence first. Plus, we know Sheffield is still overseas as well as some of the other members that were in Lisa's platoon. We need to get statements from all the ones that are still alive in order to charge Sheffield with anything. Because right now, it's only one man's word against the other. Michael Quint on the other hand is another story. When we're done here i'm going to start looking at where he is right now and see about having him taken in for questioning. Especially when Jake gives me the notebook. He's the biggest part of this whole thing, and because he's a Private, the hoops we have to jump through to get to him will be easier than getting to Sheffield who is an Officer. But we gotta take the small steps first, okay? I promise you I will not let them or anyone else involved get away with this. You have my word." Marcus tells her.

Jennie clenches her jaw and shakes her head not really knowing how to reply. She wants them to pay for what they did right this second. She wants to hit them and yell at them.

"What I don't understand is how none of you saw the blaring inconsistencies sooner! I fucking noticed it when Rehmy told me the fake story the first time! What kind of division are you guys fucking running in the first place!" Jennie yells out. Abby starts trying to rub circles in Jennie's back as she begins to get more and more upset. Marcus nods his head.

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