The Truth She's Always Known

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Jennie sets up her folding chair on the sidelines next to Gustus. Jake is on Gustus other side which is then followed by Abby, Jisoo, Rose, Lily, and Jeff. Aden's football game is about to start. He plays on a club team in the spring as High School football is over. This past season he was the only Freshman to be a starter, a big deal in the small town. They usually only let the Freshmen play on the Freshmen team but the coaches watched Aden play in one Freshmen game and made him move up to the varsity team and start. He's quick and agile, much like how Gustus was in his football playing days. It's universally known in the town that Gus would have gone on to play college ball and probably be in the NFL if he hadn't gotten Caroline pregnant at sixteen. Gustus couldn't care less what sometimes people murmur around him, that he gave up a big future for a family and love. Even throughout all the heartache he's had, it's still the greatest thing he ever did.

Jennie sits and Lia climbs onto her lap, ready to yell and sideline coach alongside her PopPop. She's become quite the football connoisseur in the last two years. Aden sometimes lets her come with him on runs or lets her help him with plays. Jennie is pretty positive she knows more about football than Jennie does. Soon, the players are taking the field after a coin toss. Aden's team is receiving first. After the kick-off and a touchback, Aden comes running onto the field.

"Let's go Ade!" Jennie yells out as everyone else shouts different variations of the same thing. Jennie watches as the quarterback calls out seemingly random phrases and Aden shuffles around to the other side of him. He calls hike and Aden runs right by the quarterback and takes the ball and attempts to run it. He's stopped after gaining 2 yards. "Good run, Aden!" Jennie calls out. Both Lia and Gustus look at her dumbfounded.

"Mommy, that was not a good run!" Lia tells her seriously. Jennie rolls her eyes as Gustus begins to chuckle.

"I've taught her well." Gustus says to Lia as he leans over and ruffles her hair. She bats his hand away and leans further into Jennie as the next play begins. Aden carries the ball once more about 6 yards this time which makes Gustus and Lia cheer. The next play is a throw and Aden catches it for a first down and then some before he's laid out. Jennie's heart still clenches whenever she watches her son take big hits like that. She's confident she'll never be use to it. He stands quickly and is then back on the sidelines for two plays. They get another first down and are near the end zone. Aden is put back in and runs into the end zone to score but the ball flies over his head. Next play he's not quite at the end zone, but he's open and the quarterback doesn't notice and throws it away. Gustus and Lia yell at the quarterback, letting him know Aden was wide open. Lia puts her hand over her face and huffs in frustration. Jennie tries to suppress a chuckle. The next play, the other players on the team are all over Aden and end up sacking the quarterback, making them lose yardage. Lia hops off Jennie's lap and goes to the ground.

"Oh c'mon!" She cries out. Jennie can't help but laugh hard at her daughter's dramatics. "PopPop this isn't a good start! They've already caught on to the tacticks....tictacs tac... what is it?" Lia asks him with a furrowed brow. Gustus chuckles and Jennie holds in her laughter.

"Tactics." He replies to her. She nods furiously.

"Yes! That!" She points at him. Gustus nods.

"You're right little one. They can't use him for awhile to throw them off. Hopefully their dumbass coach figures that out." Gustus says. Jennie looks over at him pointedly.

"Gus." Jennie says, not appreciating the cussing.

"Swear jar, Pop-Pop." Lia says only seconds later. Gustus sighs and gets his wallet out and hands Lia a dollar. She smiles mischievously at him and Jennie watches Gustus visibly melt. She knows why because when Lia smiles like that, it's all Lisa. It's kind of scary how she looks like Lisa's twin when she smiles that particular way. Gustus meets Jennie's eyes and she gives him a sad smile, knowing he's thinking the exact same thing. Jennie brings her hand up and squeezes his shoulder briefly before turning her attention back to Aden's game.

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