I Was Thinking Of You All The While

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"So she'll be there in a days time?" Jennie confirms into the receiver.

"Yes, the plane will arrive on the tarmac at 9 am tomorrow morning. When you get to the airport, give the front desk your last name and they'll have someone guide you guys to go out onto the tarmac. There will be a lot of other families and I believe some film crews will be there to film the soldiers exiting the plane. But yes 9 am at JFK in New York." Marcus confirms.

Jennie nods her head, feeling giddy that she will be back in Lisa's arms in a days time. She never could have believed this would happen to her. To them. But it did and she's ecstatic of the outcome. Soon they hang up and Jennie sends a group text message to everyone of the details and calls a hotel in New York to book two adjoining rooms. Lia and Aden have just went to school so she decides to pack their bags for them. She packs some things for Aden and sets his bag in the hallway, then makes her way into Lia's room and packs her things. She goes into her bedroom and begins rummaging through her things to pack. She wonders if she should also pack some of Lisa's clothes for her, but decides against it. She knows Lisa was being treated for severe malnourishment, and probably wouldn't be able to fit into her old clothes yet. She had spent all night the night before unpacking all of Lisa's things she put in boxes in the back of the closet. She doesn't want Lisa to come home and see that Jennie had packed away her things. That was really the only major change she had made in the years. The house still looked the same, all the rooms were still painted the same color. The only difference now is their backyard. She hopes it'll help settle Lisa easier.

Once she's done with the packing she begins putting the bags into the car. She checks over the house once more and then sends a text in the group message that she's signing Lia and Aden out of school and hitting the road. She gets into the car and feels her excitement peak. She turns over the key and begins backing down the driveway to pick up Lia first. She gets into the school office and lets them know that Lia probably won't be back to school for at least the next week. They smiles and tell her congratulations and then call Lia's classroom to have her get her things and come down to the office cause her mother is there. Jennie waits and finally a grinning Lia comes strolling in with her tiny backpack over her shoulders.

Jennie bends down to her level and gives her a hug.

"Are we having a fun day?" Lia asks her. Jennie smiles.

"Maybe. We're actually going on a road trip. We're going to be picking up mama." Jennie tells her. She smiles even more.

"Really?!" She asks. Jennie nods and smiles. She's out of the office door before Jennie has any time to register. She gives the office ladies a sheepish smile as they laugh at Lia's excitement.

"Well let's go mommy!" Lia calls back to her.

Jennie laughs and shakes her head as they make their way back to the car. After getting Lia all buckled in they make their way to the High School. Jennie decides to just call the office and tells them to get Aden out of school and he'll be gone for the next week or so. Jennie parks in front of the front doors and waits for Aden as Lia hums a tune in the backseat. She's humming La Vie En Rose, one of Lisa's favorite songs. Jennie looks into the rearview mirror at her daughter and smiles as she isn't paying attention. Just swinging her legs in her booster seat and playing with her hands. Soon the passenger seat door opens and Aden gets in. He looks at Jennie hopeful, hoping that the reason she's pulled him out is them going to get his mama. Jennie smiles at him and just nods at the silent questions. His smiles turns into a boyish goofy grin as he buckles up.

They are then off and hitting the freeway. After a couple of quick pit stops at the gas station they get out of Virginia and are headed north. The car ride is filled with lots of stories about Lisa. Jennie tells Lia that the song she was humming is her mama's favorite. Aden tells the story of the first time Lisa had taken him fishing and how he had freaked out so bad and she helped make it better. Jennie tells them a few stories from when her and Lisa were younger. They drive is filled with nothing but stories of the woman they all love. It continues on until both Lia and Aden drift off to nap. Jennie doesn't feel tired at all, the adrenaline of being able to see Lisa after all this time keeping her up. She looks at the car clock and realizes it'll only be several hours now that she'll finally be back with her. They hit a lot of traffic trying to get to New York. A few times Jennie just pulls off so they can get something to eat before getting back on once more. Soon they're in New York and continue driving towards the hotel near JFK airport. They arrive late in the evening and Jennie makes Aden and Lia sit in the car as she goes inside to check in. As she's checking in, Lily and Jeff are also walking in to check in. Jennie smiles at the pair and hugs each of them.

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