Chapter 11

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Liz’s POV

I may or may not have gone slightly over the speed limit on my way home to meet with the officers, who should be there by now. Of all my luck of course I get stuck behind a long red light. Getting impatient as I sit at the light, I notice a small family walking across the street. 

Their little girl is happily skipping across the street while waving her arms around in what seems like an exciting story, her mother who's pushing a stroller that holds a small little boy in it, is smiling and nodding along to her daughter's hyper joyful talk. 

My slight bubbling anger and adrenaline vanishes in the blink of an eye watching their interaction. It makes me mourn the life we could have had with Kai. He would be so happy to get a big sister like Audrey. I can just hear their contagious laughter and all the mayhem they would cause. 

Jumping as I hear a horn being honked behind me I realise I zoned out a bit and the light is now green. Driving the rest of the way home, I pull into the driveway when an Officer steps in front of the car holding his hands up for me to stop. I quickly turn the car off, taking the keys out and grabbing my belongings before stepping out.

 “Ma’am you can’t be here this is an-” I wave my hand as I interrupt him. “I’m sorry but I live here, If you want my ID you can certainly look at it but I would like to speak to the head officer  on site” He seems slightly shocked at my behaviour, I normally wouldn’t be so hash but the adrenaline is pumping back through my body now that I’m here in person and finally processing the situation more. 

He nods and rushes off to a police van parked on the street in front of my house. I took a moment to breathe as I walked up the rest of the driveway too the front door. The second I step in, I immediately feel uneasy. Knowing there was a stranger so easily walking through your home feels like they have looked straight into your personal life in all aspects. 

I jump when I feel a hand gently tap my shoulder. I whip around to see the Officer in charge. Clearing his throat, he looks down at his notepad. “Sorry Mrs. Porter. My colleague didn’t mean to offend, it's his first day out in the field.” pinching the bridge of my nose I nod in annoyance. “I understand. I apologise for being so rash, I’m sure you can understand the feeling” Nodding along he starts flipping through his notes.

He gestures for me to follow him through the house as he starts talking. “It seems like this guy broke the lock on the window in the kitchen. We didn’t see anything stolen but I advise you to do your own walkthrough and let us know if anything seems missing or out of place” I nod trying to focus on this all.

I didn’t even realise I was biting the skin around my nail until the officer asked if I needed first aid. “What?” finally snapped from my foggy brain. “Your finger is bleeding… I understand this is not the ideal situation but I must say you got pretty lucky, no valuables seemed to be gone” I furrow my brows at the comment. Yes, sure. 

We got lucky in a sense I get it, but someone so easily got in my home, walked through my space and dared to enter a baby's room. Sure they didn’t take anything but what was the reason behind breaking in then? What if this guy wants to harm us or something crazy and sinister.

The thought makes my stomach drop. The familiar feeling of bile is rising higher and higher up my chest, tingling sensations travel up my body and right as I feel everything in my throat I dart to the bathroom closest to me. 

Catching my breath I stand and wash my hands, splashing some cold water on my face. Looking up at myself in the mirror I realise we are in Audrey’s room. “Mrs. Porter, are you alright?” the officer, who I haven’t gotten the chance to learn his name. He sounds slightly panicked as he rushes towards me, offering a small face towel that I thankfully accept. 

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