pt. eleven

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/ chapter energy \
the leanover (life without buildings)
televisions (current joys)

they sped through the roughly marked path toward the barrens. then, once they made it to the water they discarded their bikes by a large spruce tree and began walking toward the river.

"dude there's no way greta would actually do some foul shit like that," richie said, disgustedly,"i mean sure she's like practically lobotomized, but an eighth grader? that's fucking gross, even for her."

"on everything rich, i couldn't make this shit up," eddie insisted,"mr. keene came to the counter, gave me my prescription, and then walked back off to his office. greta was nowhere in sight, who else works at the pharmacy?"

"eughh," richie shivered, shaking his head,"i'm gonna have some wicked nightmares tonight about that one eds."

eddie sat next to the water, taking in the autumn landscape. meanwhile, richie began trekking into the water, converse still on- not even bothering to lift up his pants.

"what in fucks name are you doing rich?" eddie said, a horrified look flooding his face,"you're gonna get like trench foot or some shit, or-or hypothermia do you know how fucking cold that water probably is? DUDE THERE COULD BE LEECHES."

"eddie politely," richie said, looking back at him,"i couldn't care less. also, yes i know how cold the water is, im standing shin-deep in it."

"alright fucko," eddie guffawed,"don't get all pissy though when you get like- strange blisters growing on your feet or you have to pull a leech off of your dick or something."

"man i got enough blood down there to feed like a whole family of leeches," richie laughed," come on ed's it won't kill ya."

"yeah right," eddie rolled his eyes,"and politely no way in hell am i getting in that fucking water rich."

"oh really now?" richie said, inching towards eddie, a sly smirk playing at his lips.

"no-No-NO," eddie yelled, eyes wide as saucers,"get the fuck back or so help me god."

richie continued inching toward him as eddie ran and grabbed a stick fallen from a nearby tree. he held it out in front of him, both hands clutching the branch in defense as richie creeped closer and closer.

"I SWEAR RICH" eddie said, making a jabbing motion toward him,"I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU-"

he leapt toward eddie and grabbed the end of the branch as he tried to clumsily jab it at richie's torso. richie tugged the branch free of eddie's grasp and threw it to the side.


eddie tried to stumble away but richie just picked him up around his midsection and began walking toward the waterline as eddie tried to wrestle out of his grasp in any way he could.

just as richie was about to reach the waterline, eddie kicking and screaming nonsensically. richie dropped him at the shoreline once again, laughing a stitch in his side.

"HAHAHA-" richie was cut off as eddie turned around and shoved him making him stumble backward and land on the seat of his cords.

"WHAT THE HELL RICHIE?" eddie yelled, eyes practically bulging from their sockets,"DONT FUCK WITH ME LIKE THAT."

even after eddie had made him fall on his ass, richie continued cackling, wiping a tear from his eye as he clutched his stomach.

"hardee-har-har," eddie said crossing his arms,"very fucking funny dickwad."

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