pt. thirteen

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[chapter energy]
ode to viceroy - mac demarco
anyone else but you - the moldy peaches

it was monday now, time to go back to that hellish prison they called school. it wasn't all bad though, at least the losers got to see each other at lunch. other than that though, they had somehow all managed to get different classes.

finally lunch came around and the losers all gathered at their secluded table once again. getting a short break from the mundanity of the school day. bantering about couples who were a bit too open about their love at school, teachers doing more than just teaching, the absurd workload , etcetera.

richie and eddie didn't bicker as much as they usually did today. this threw the other losers off a bit but they just decided to enjoy the peace for now. the bell chimed loudly, disrupting those thirty minutes of relief.

the losers dispursed, filing out of the cafeteria along with the other students. as richie began walking toward the east exit he faintly heard someone yelling his name. he swiveled quickly, looking behind him.

"rich! hold up!!" eddie yelled, lightly jogging across the cafeteria.

richie paused, watching as eddie weaved through the few students left, clutching his books close to his chest. finally he caught up and richie began walking again, eddie at his side.

"what's up eddie spaghetti," richie asked,"hope you don't want my notes or something cuz we both know i don't have the attention span for that shit."

"heh- trust me i know," eddie laughed,"actually i was gonna ask if you wanted some help studying after school? i know it's not really your thing, but i can't just keep doing your homework for you- feels wrong."

"oh it feels just right to me ed's," richie smirked,"i suppose i don't really have plans after school though. im pretty sure bev's going out later too. alright, you got me."

"great! i swear the work is not that difficult," eddie said with a huff,"so we'll do it at your house then?"

"mhmm, i highly doubt that," richie responded,"yeah just too bad i won't get to see my dear sonya today."

he looked wistfully at the push tile ceilings and eddie punched him in the arm, rolling his eyes. richie rubbed his arm and shook his head with a smile.

"alright rich," eddie replied,"i'll catch you by the bike rack after school, wait up for me ok?"

"got you ed's," richie nodded, smiling,"see you then."

eddie disappeared into the crowd of people, rushing off to his next class. however richie took his time, dragging his feet until the bell rang for the next class.


eddie checked his watch for the third time, looking back up to the south exit and sighing.

"who the hell takes this long to leave school," he muttered to himself.

two minutes later, richie meandered outside gripping the straps of his backpack tightly. he looked around purposefully avoiding eye contact with eddie. he then walked up and looked down slightly.

"ah- didn't see ya there ed's," he smirked," grabbing the handlebars of his bike and steering it out of the rack.

"ha ha ha real comical rich," eddie said, unamused,"you know i've been waiting here for like fifteen minutes, what the hell took you so long?"

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