pt. fourteen

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_ chapter energy _
forever (the little dippers)

eddie's eyes were saucers, staring widely at the ceiling- except he wasn't really looking at it. he was stunned, completely caught off guard. he felt chills all up and down his body. his mind was racing now, just as richie's had that night.

"HOMEE RUNNN!" his mind cheered,"yet another sickening line from the trashmouth."

"that's not funny rich," he spoke finally.

"w-what?" richie asked, confusion lacing his voice.

eddie sat up swiftly, turning to face him. his heart was pounding, his face was red, and his eyes were fierce- he stared daggers into richie.

"don't joke about shit like that richie," eddie said firmly,"i thought you were being serious for once."

"i am," richie trailed off, staring back at eddie.

"yeah right," eddie rolled his eyes,"prove it then."

"and how the hell do you suppose i do that?" richie shook his head, thoroughly confused now.

"i don't know-" eddie spat nonsensically,"just prove that you're not lying if you really mean what you say."

"l-look you swore you wouldn't make fun of me," richie replied,"now what the hell would you call this shit."

"richie i'm not-" eddie began.

"yeah right," richie said, sternly,"just fuck off."

"im sorry-," eddie ran a hand through his hair,"i just don't get it- why me?"

"fuck, ed's you're really gonna make me spell it out for you then," richie sighed.

he paused, considering what he was about to say. eddie's eyes followed him intently as he paced back and forth in front of the couch, biting the tip of his thumb anxiously.

"i fucking like you- alright?" richie evinced finally.

eddie stared at him blankly as he stood still at once. richie's arms hung at his sides in defeat and he looked as if he might break down right then if eddie wasn't watching him so closely.

richie exhaled roughly and sat back down on the couch, staring at his feet. he contemplated telling eddie "just yanking yer chain, you got me man," and just forgetting about whatever dumb idea he'd had in his head.

that was until he felt the pressure of someone sitting down beside him and he looked up. face-to-face with those dark brown eyes once again.

"i like you too rich, like a lot," eddie said, smiling weakly,"i still don't get it though- why me?"

"what do you mean eddie- you're witty, thoughtful," richie spoke passionately,"you're the best part about being stuck in this lame fucking town, plus you keep up with my bullshit banter even when i'm spouting nonsense."

eddie felt his cheeks warm at richie's swift response. he tried to hide it best he could, but it was no use.

"thanks rich," he said, a stronger smile forming on his lips now,"but uh, do you like- like like me or just ya know-"

"eddie for fucks sake, are we in third grade," richie laughed,"yes i 'like like' you, idiot."

eddie's breath caught in his throat again and as he tried to reply he felt himself choking on his words.

"i-i," he began,"holy fuck, i need air."

eddie began breathing heavily and looked as if he might pass out. he paced lightly in front of the couch, eyes wide. richie panicked, opening the window behind the couch and urging him to go out.

"are you trying to fucking kill me???" eddie said frantically,"what if i slip or- or a shingle comes loose and then i just fucking plummet to my death-"

"ed's youre not going to plummet to your death, come on, i've got you," richie said, stepping out onto the roof and holding his hand out to him.

eddie took it reluctantly and stepped out cautiously. he kept a death grip on richie's hand the entire time, even after they had sat down and were looking out at the skyline- still he held on. after a few minutes of doing some breathing exercises mike had taught him he had calmed down enough to finish his thought.

"i think i 'like like' you too rich," he replied, finally.

richie opened his mouth to say something back, but found himself speechless once again. he simply smiled and looked down at their hands, still intertwined, and decided that was alright for now.

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