Shovelling snow

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Well, I found Big money today in the form of snow. The snow Was there enough for me to be able to actually go and shovel it which was pretty good on my part. I was able to shovel the snowdespite my injuries that I sustained as a kid. They didn't hurt as much the injuries that I sustained as a kid but as far as I'm concernedI was pretty happy that the snow was there and I was able to shovel it. Alsoit's getting to that time of year when you need the snow just for the aesthetic! That being said, it was the idea of that always got me thinking about snow. That being said, I am also interested in shovelling the snow because it gives me more money to save for my tattoo that I'm going to get. If you're wondering what I'm going to get it's a morning glory, siren head, tattoo Where the sirens are more or less replaced with morning glory that being said, it's very interesting to see where that will take us the shovelling of the snow. I'm very excited to have done my first shovel.
but I don't think it's gonna be my last for the day. It's still going down. But it's very interesting that it keeps snowing. It's very nice that I can actually see that Christmas is on its way and that I am able to enjoy the snow finally, I'm able to go about getting more money, snow wise, as well as trying to get the holiday spirit in me. That being said, you need a good dose of the snow when You need the spirit to be activated. That being said, is very interesting why you see the white stuff that is like oh look at that! That being said, I was for the money getting out of the money from shovelling snow. You would think someone who's about 90 or 110 pounds wouldn't be able to shovel such stuff, think again! I am able to shovel the snow like a bugger. I'm able to do so without hurting any of my old injuries that I had as a child. That being says very interesting to shovel the snow, and bring some peace of mind as well as some money for my tattoo fund. That being said, it's very interesting to go and see the snow actually, it looks kind of beautiful actually outside is really nice. That being said, I'm very happy that the snow is here finally!
One didn't believe that I was able to do the snow, but I said I did do the snow look and see for yourself. I did not really like the tone of her voice so she sounded like she didn't believe what I was doing was belie, but it was true! I did, and I was happy to do it. I got all the exits in my group home done with any twins of pain. That being said, it's very interesting to go and shovel the snow as exercise and wake up the body. Even though afterwards, before you feel awake, you feel like you wanna go back to sleep!
so why do I like shovelling snow because when I was a kid I used to love playing in the stuff before my PTSD symptoms got out of control. Now I have a 2 foot pole between me and the stuff so I don't have to freeze my tacos off that being said, I'm very happy to shovel. The snow is an adult way of playing in the snow as well as it's a way of getting some money. That's the one thing that's the big thing for me to get this siren head tattoo is the money. also, I'm very happy that the snow is going to come out more and more because of the theory that as soon as the last leaf falls off, the snow starts to come but it didn't work out that way that year until I finally did come last night. I didn't believe my friend when she said it was snowing I was like wow maybe it might snow but I didn't think it would snow this much! So I guess we don't believe each other on that part!
I started shovelling my snow for the idea of tattoo money when I needed money for another $300 tattoo. That being said that was for the Jupiter tattoo that I get from time to time I still look at it but I don't but now I'm also trying to think of getting one on my head. That says beautiful mind with a little dipper on it as As aforementioned post said. I.e. yesterday's post. That being saidI'm very interested in tattoos and piercingsThey help me gain control in my life as well as enjoy creativity. That being saidI also enjoy the idea of getting a new piercing or tattoo without any kind of ball crap the last time I tried to do my own piercings there was a lot of crap going on with my piercingsand that being said I vowed that I would only have everything done professionally, even if it means if I have to shovel snow!
but I also do cleaning for a day program/preschool and I also do the travelling of the snow is guess which one is more likely to be year-round the day program/days school thing that I do cleaning for. It's very interesting to see that I might end up getting more what I bargain for today hopefully I am able to shovel some more snow if so, I will keep you updated!

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