Please make it warm again

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Well I decided I Quinter again winter as in the actual season that's been driving everyone bonkers. I haven't been able to get out of the house for the past few days except for the going to the mailbox, but there was nothing in the mailbox. Other than that it wasn't very exciting the past few days so I haven't been able to blog!
happy said I also like Christmas, but the cold comes with the territory, so I wish I would have Christmas in July instead of the Christmas in December because the Christmas in December has objectionable weather. The only thing about the weather I like is that I am able to make extra money through shovelling snow. That would be about it other than that I have twice a week cleaning job which I do. But I wish I could be able to do more of because of the damn weather.!
I haven't been able to be very creative lately because of the crappy weather outside. Damn! I just wanna be able to go outside and go to the library and to the thrift store and not have to worry about God's BS! in other words, winter, his ultimate temper tantrum. Although it looks beautiful outside, I just can't go out except if you dangle a five dollar bail in front of me in order to do the shoveling, then I can go outside other than that I rarely emerge from the house! That being sad is kind of annoying to deal with the cold. I went down to the mailbox. I was going to go to the library today, but freak it! It's too darn cold for my opinion and I find out the weather is alarming because you're not able to go out as much as much as I don't like my ex I would love to be able to go to my basketball meeting, just to get out and stretch my legs! also I was born in the winter time, so I'm not exactly well adjusted young lady because well it's that time of year that everyone is not well adjusted or they're more mast aggravated than anything else because of the weather. It's kind of like this I have a prayer that I'm going to say it's gonna sound a little ridiculous and I'm not even Christian or over the three religions but I'm gonna say it right now

God, please reverse this terrible weather that you have occurred on us
make it summer again
so we can enjoy life


that being said that is my prayer it does sound a little Cornwall-ish, but it's a lot better than going around complaining about the weather. This is basically my the blog where I talk about things that take me off one of them would be the particular winter weather. I don't mind the snow if it was a little warmer out but since it's not, it's kind of aggravating. There's anyone else find the snow this time of year I know that's a juxtaposition to what I'm saying, but anyways, this is what I think is that the winter cold should screw off! Excuse my language!
I just hate the weather as it is:p! Not because of the pretty white stuff, ie. snow! Everyone in my penpal app is asking me how's the weather in Canada and I have to literally say this word I wish I don't like to use which is crappy! Why because I hate the cold and being cabin fever!

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