percys' downfall

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Percy was thinking, that the day couldn't get much worse, sadly it happened to be the worst day of his day of his life, Percy was running because he could hear the roars along with the screams, while he ran through the cold autumn forest. The trees were a blur because Percy was running fast, that he could push his legs to go, so he could get away from the monsters with only a single thought.

Percy wondered what the monsters thought about this, the other thought was probably about how he'd taste, Percy thought of how his life had gone from what he had built, the two time savior of Olympus to a now, dirty, homeless demigod, everyone he thought that loved him, had thrown him away like yesterday's trash, then a single thought hit him, what was the point? Percy thought, while slowing down.

Percy thought back to how he was betrayed, five months ago, Percy was standing in front of the Gods, he was so confused as to why he was even there. All the Gods, even Poseidon was angry, same with the campers, even Chiron, Annabeth and a lot of campers was behind him, except Hestia of course, she had a sad face while glancing at the council members with disgust and disbelief within her eyes.

"Perseus Jackson," Zeus boomed, Drama Queen, Percy stepped forward then bowed towards the Gods and Goddesses, "you have been proven guilty for treason against, Olympus." Zeus shouted, to say that Percy was surprised would be an understatement, "what?!" Percy snapped back with disbelief, "what proof do you have?!" Percy asked, only for Zeus to speak, "we have found papers in your cabin, with an unidentifiable languages that was about Olympus' weaknesses." Zeus spat harshly, only for Percy to snap back a "what?!" Because Percy couldn't believe them, because his fatal flaw was fucking loyalty.

"Your loyal brother, here heard you talking about it, when you thought you were alone in your cabin." Zeus snapped harshly, then Poseidon and Percy's pig for a brother, incredibly Annabeth smirked at Percy, looking proud. Annabeth then swinging over to the pig, throwing her arms around his neck then kissed him, she fucking kissed him. Percy just stared at them, but truthfully Percy could feel his heart break, into a million pieces, like Zeus had once done to Kronos.

Percy felt his eyes dimmed over, "and there for the council shall vote about your fate, all yes for banishment?" Zeus said, everyone that was on the council, all the members raised their hands immediately, then Poseidon spoke up, "I, Poseidon, God of the Sea, here by disown Perseus Jackson as my son." Poseidon said, it was those words that Percy heart shattered all over again into another thousand of pieces, the demigods gasped, but Percy couldn't bring himself to care anymore, then the drama queen took forth his bolt and shot it at Percy, after that Percy lost conscious.

When Percy woke up, he could see that he was laying on the floor inside the entrance hall of the empire state building, mortals were just passing by without noticing him. Slowly Percy got up and walked outside, he started walking towards Sally's apartment, it was raining Percy was soaked, he was cold to the bones, when Percy got to the apartment building, Percy walked inside, he walked up to the floor where Sally, Paul and Percy's soon to be born baby sister was living when Percy went to the door.

Percy could hear the television was on, Percy rang the doorbell and waited, he could hear someone pause the television and was approaching the door, then opened it, there stood Sally who looked at Percy with confusion. "Hey, mama." Percy said casually, but Sally was even more confused, "do I know you?" Sally asked, causing Percy to laugh nervously, then looked up "erm, well you should because I'm your son," Percy said, while Sally looked even more confused, then shook her head, "I don't have a son," Sally said slowly and carefully while watching Percy, who was was standing there in shock because he knew that he had to ask the question he never thought that he'd have to ask, "you don't remember having a son named Percy Jackson?" Percy asked with wide eyes.

Sally shook her head slowly, but her face still had a confused look, now it had a slightly scared one. Percy could feel his eyes water, Percy turned around than ran through the corridor, down the staircase and outside the building, Percy saw a puddle of water then looked into it but it wasn't what Percy expected instead of the untamable jet black hair with sea green eyes that was what he expected. Instead he saw what he'd believe he'd look like Sally, if Sally had been born male, Percy still had untamable hair but it wasn't jet black, it was a warm brown, like Sally's but without the grey streaks, the ever changing warm electric blue eyes.

Percy had now came to a stop, to allow the monsters catch up, Percy sat on the wet grass, looking up at the sky thinking about the purpose of life, because what was the point with living when you don't have anything left? By this time the monsters had caught up and they were fighting with the other monsters on who should kill Percy, finally one monster was left then it approached Percy slowly. Percy flashed a fake smile then closed his eyes, Percy waited for the pain then when the pain should've come, he'd be gone, floating to Charon only to enter the underworld, but instead of pain, Percy saw a light through his eyelids, then he heard the most beautiful and calming voice that he had ever heard in his life, saying something that would send his conscience into a path of long lost memories.

"My son.."

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