2 - the fates ruin a party

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Three hours after, it was shocking to watch the poor boy, that had been through too much already then this? Hestia had hoped that she could change their minds, Hestia snapped out of her thoughts right when Zeus declared that they shall vote for banishment or not, her whole family had voted for it, even those whose votes don't count, Hestia was the only one who didn't have her hand in the air.

Then Poseidon disowned him, Hestia gasped along with most of the demigods in the room, she watched Perseus eyes dimmed over with sadness, while his hair slowly turned a lighter until it slowly stopped at a warm chocolate brown color, his eyes became an electric blue that was ever changing, his eyes were warm. Then Zeus shot his master blot at him, the aftermath the only thing that could be seen was the sot and the chains, "shall we not make this more painful for little Perseus' and his betrayal?" Killian MacMillan asked,  Killian MacMillan was Poseidon's bastard of a son, who had spoken up only after a few seconds of silence, "what do you suggest?" Zeus asked with a cruel, a cruel smile, just what had Hestia's family become?

Hestia could feel the temperature slowly going up, "I, the mighty Killian MacMillan, think that we should whip his mother Sally Jackson's memories of him." Killian said, causing everyone in the throne room to smirk then shout a 'yes!' Hestia's eyes started to water, when Poseidon disappeared only to reappear again only this time with Sally and her husband Paul, Dionysus stood down from his throne and walked over to them, "why have we been summoned, here?" Sally asked, only for Dionysus to answer their question, "we shall whip your memories of your son, from your memory as a punishment for his betrayal to the Gods." Dionysus said in a bored tone, while putting a finger against Sally's temple.

Sally's eyes met Hestia's for a second, a understanding look crossed her face, before her eyes dimmed over, she fainted, Paul caught her then put her softly on the ground before he sat down on the floor, waiting for Dionysus to do the same thing to him. Poseidon flashed away with them, only to reappear again, Hestia could feel her blood boiling and the tears started to roll their way down her cheeks.

"Let's party!" Annabeth shouted, while the others started to shout along with her, the room was getting unpleasantly warm, the Gods were about to summon balloons along with other things, when there was a flash was seen, the demigods shielded their eyes or looked away, when the Gods started to go pale, because in the middle of the throne room stood the fates, they looked angry.

"Is this how you treat a hero, that saved you on his own free will?" The fates asked at the same time, "after all he had gone through for you, you just throw him away?" The fates asked, while waiting for the Gods to speak they were still spinning the wheel of fate on the demigods that were in the camps and not present on Olympus,  "what do you mean, 'saved them on his own will'?" Annabeth asked the fates curiosity coloring her tone, "didn't you put him through that? You control the fate after all." Annabeth said.

"We control your fate, along with everybody else's in this room, be we do not control Perseus' fate, since he is too powerful for us to control." The fates said, panic there was panic, Zeus was pissed because that brat was more powerful than him? "What? He's just a demigod, tell me what you mean!" Poseidon demanded from the Fates.

Suddenly it clicked for Hestia, a thought it was from an old memory that came to her, she remembered an old legend from her old friend Chaos, who told her about her father, that she suspected that she and End weren't his only children. 'Your guess is correct, little fire.' An ancient voice said within Hestia's mind, when Hestia heard it, she felt weird but Hestia felt at ease, like she'd do anything to make the voice happy, she wasn't sure if it was End or Chaos talking to her.

'Don't tell anyone about me yet, but you can tell your family that they've made a grave mistake for banishing their hero, only to believe in a demigod that they've just met and that he's gonna be the cause of their downfall.' The voice said, Hestia eagerly nodded,  happy to make them satisfied only to notice that the fates were staring at her in fascination and desire. Hestia gave them a meaningful look, a look of understanding crossed over their faces before it disappeared as fast as it appeared, "we cannot tell you, because we're not allowed to, you're fools to think that you will win the upcoming war without him." The fates said, causing the people in the room to have looks of shock along with disbelief in their eyes.

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