4- a new start because life on earth sucked

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When Demetri woke up, Demetri could see that Order was sitting in front of the fire from yesterday, it seemed like he had teleported them there yesterday, Demetri was trying to think about what happened happened  yesterday when Demetri saw Alithinó against Order's getting fed by him. Then Demetri remembered what happened yesterday, Demetri remembered Order saying that he was his father, wasn't Poseidon his sire? He had been disowned in the throne room at his banishment so that's why Poseidon is a sire.

Demetri slowly got up in a sitting position, since his muscles were still sore a bit from the few days before, Demetri glanced at Ali, which was a short nickname for Alithinó, when Ali looked at him sharply, Demetri just continued to look at him, when Order sat him down on the ground, Ali staggered towards Demetri. A smile came forth, Demetri gently picked him up so Ali was standing on Demetri's hands so they were at the same height as his eyes.

Demetri looked into his eyes, and felt something click, as it did. That's when Demetri had dreams about well his past, their foreheads, Demetri could feel a connection, like what Demetri had with Grover, before Grover broke it, but this connection was much stronger, that it began to intertwined their minds. As soon as it was started, it disappeared but they still had the link, that was still there, "tweet," Ali tweeted, then Demetri got a feeling of hunger when he said that, so Demetri glanced up at Order, then he glanced at the jar that had the insects and back at Order.

Order smiled at them then giving them the jar, Demetri picked up a worm, Ali snapped it fast out of his hand, Demetri chuckled then tilted his head to the side like he was trying to say 'what? Have you never seen someone eat before?' Ali said through their shared link, Demetri smiled while giving him some more insects until Ali didn't want anymore, how Demetri didn't know that, Demetri didn't know. When Demetri closed the lid, Ali jumped up onto Demetri's fingers, working his way up to his shoulder, Demetri smiled slightly wider than glanced at Order.

Order looked at Demetri, then at Ali then back at Demetri again, Order looked like he was apologizing at Demetri, but Demetri didn't know why he would want to apologize. Order got up from his sitting position, and walked over to them, Order sat right in front of him, then stared right into his eyes, Demetri stared right back at him. After a few seconds Demetri's mind dimmed over, Demetri thought of nothing, just his eyes, they seemed to suck into his soul into them, it took his will with it, Demetri could feel the same thing happening to Ali, how, Demetri still didn't know, but Demetri didn't focus on that, just Order's eyes.

They're breathtakingly beautiful, Demetri couldn't look away from them, Demetri would do anything, Demetri would just sit there and look, Demetri could feel himself relax while  getting a little sleepy. They seemed like they're two deep pools of swirling  streaks of colors that explodes into little diamonds, when they touch each other then spin even faster, Demetri could hear Order's voice echo through his mind, Demetri listened intensely on it only, Demetri wanted to do whatever it said so he could make him happy.

"Percy, I want you to answer, my questions for me truthfully. Could you please do that for me?" Order asked, Demetri nodded and smiled, eager to do what he wanted. "Why do you look different, from what you should?" Order asked, Demetri's smile wavered  a little, from real to flase, but it came back a grin when Order smiled.  "My brother, told my 'father' that I was sending letters to their enemies in a language that the Gods, don't even understand. He told rumors at camp, that I was stealing things from my friends, they believed him. One by one, they said that they thought I was better than this, then they slapped, punched or kicked me, he even took Grover, that when he broke our empathy link." Demetri said, before taking a break before speaking up again, "I thought I had only Annabeth, but even she started to get distant, then, when I was about to go to my cabin, about a few weeks ago. I was teleported to Olympus, they  accused me of treason because of my brother heard me talk about these papers, that only I, the only one in the blasted camp could be able to read. My 'father' disowned me, then Annabeth kissed Killian, my brother that is, in front of me, the only one that didn't seem to hate my guts, was Hestia." Demetri said, feeling Ali move on his shoulder, like Ali was giving Demetri the silent support, before speaking up,  "when my 'father' disowned me, my appearance changed so that I basically looked like my mama, just that I'm male. When I went to mama's  apartment, they seemed to have erased her memories of me, I fled from New York City." Demetri said, Demetri got upset and sad about talking about it, Demetri broke down at the same time breaking the eye contact with Order.

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