3- demetri gets a new friend because his old ones are asses

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When at first Demetri came back to being awake, he could only hear. Demetri could only hear cracks that was most likely a fire that was nearby,  there was a bird song, so he was probably in the same spot that he was in when he fainted from something, that he didn't really remember what exactly.

Then came the feeling, was his body like it was laying on the ground with a blanket between the ground and his clothes, Demetri could feel the heat from in front of him soothing waves, so his guess about the fire had been correct, for once in his life. Then came the smell and taste, the air around him smelt of smoke and trees along with wet things, his tongue and throat felt dry, Demetri slowly started to move then tensed when he felt that his muscles were sore from all that running.

Demetri hissed in pain and slowly started to open his eyes, at first he could see the sun, causing him to close his eyes again. Then something or someone stood in front of the sun, Demetri started to open his eyes once again, at first his sight was blurry all he could see was a tall, dark figure in front of him, when Demetri's eyesight regained their focus, Demetri could see the man from his dreams. Okay, that wasn't what he meant, he thought that the man was sexy.

"And you are?" Demetri spouted out randomly, after a quiet moment, stupid ADHD, the man chuckled then a warm smile directed at him, that made him feel happy, but a little suspicious, "I see that you haven't changed a bit, son." The man said, causing Demetri to flinch, "son?! I'm not your son. My father disowned me for a pea sized brain of a brother, that only told lies. How can you, a guy I only just met, be my father?!" Demetri screamed in the end in anger, sorrow along with frustration.

Suddenly his 'father' put a finger over his mouth in a hush, movement with a small smile on his face, the motioned for him to follow him since he slowly and quietly moved to the tree line that was in the glade, they were in.  Demetri hesitantly started to follow him, Demetri made his way through the forest, it seemed like the trees and bushes were bending away from him so that he could pass, but that was crazy. Demetri focused his mind on following the man in front of him, surprisingly he succeeded quite well, the man came to a stop  at another, glade then bend down to pick something up from the ground.

The man then turned to to show a baby raven that tweet quietly, the man held it in front, the man was eager for Demetri to hold it, Demetri deliberately received it and held it close to his chest. It tweeted what seemed be more happier, Demetri slowly started to pet it, it leaned into Demetri's touch, Demetri had a sweet smile, "it's so innocent and cute, do you know it's on the ground, and alone?" Demetri asked.

"It fell out of the nest, when it's parents were out looking for food, often the ravens or in birds in general, take care of their children in the nest and don't care about the ones that fell out." The man answered, at that Demetri became a little angry, because that suspiciously sounded a little like his life, "you never said, who you are." Demetri stated then looked up from the baby bird, the man chuckled again, "it seemed like that, well better get it over with, now than later, my name is Order, father of Demetri, and the twin creators." The man said

Demetri's eyes widened in realization and shock, Demetri was about to bow when he remembered the baby bird that was against his chest, so Demetri just nodded his head in a deep bow, if they you can call it that, then resume with the task at hand, petting the raven. "Lord Order," Demetri said with a chuckle at that, Order looked surprised at Demetri's action, "every being that has met me has dropped their things on the ground, bowed then start to babble about 'how it's an honor' and stuff, why didn't you?" Order asked

"I'm holding a baby raven, that I'm not intending to 'drop on the ground,' I don't want want it to get hurt, just because I have to bow to a being that doesn't even seem to want to be bowed to. That maybe the smartest sentence, that I've said in my entire life." Demetri said, causing Order to chuckled again then he did something, that Demetri never thought he would do, he hugged Demetri, it felt nice in a family way.

They stood like that for a long moment until they heard a muffled tweet, they quickly pulled apart allowing the baby raven to take a deep breath and ruffled his feathers, so it stood out in all directions, then the raven looked at them tilting his head to the side like the raven was saying, 'what? Have I something in my feathers or what?' Causing Order and Demetri to crack then a belly of laughter, falling to the ground, after a minute or two they stopped and got back up on their feet again.

Demetri looked at the baby raven, then got an idea, "hey little friend, would you like to be my friend?" Demetri asked the baby raven, while placing the baby raven on the ground, the raven seemed to think about it, then nod his head at Demetri. Demetri chuckled, "what do you want to be called? Písti?" Demetri asked, causing the baby raven to shake his head, Demetri started at the raven, before speaking, "what about trást?" Demetri asked, causing the baby raven to shake his head again, Demetri thought about it for a little bit longer this time,  "Alithinó?" Demetri asked

The baby raven thought about it, then started to do a little dance on the ground, tweeting happily, Demetri laughed then picked him up, while cuddled into Demetri's chest and fell asleep, Demetri smiled then started to pet him again, Alithinó leaned into Demetri's hand once again, Demetri could feel himself starting to get sleepy, Demetri yawned then looked up at the sky, the sky had beige colors,  so Demetri guessed that it was almost nightfall, Demetri still had a question to ask, "hey, Order?" Demetri asked sleepily, "why did you call me, son, before leading me here?" Demetri asked

Order smiled at him, Demetri couldn't keep a smile from forming on his face,  "because I'm your father, you are my lost son, Demetri." Order said, Demetri didn't really get it, but he was too tired to think about it throughly, Demetri could feel his eyelids getting heavy, Demetri laid down on the ground, Demetri curled up into a ball with Alithinó against Demetri's chest in his hands, the last thing Demetri thought was how the ground was dry, when it was wet, when he woke up before, Demetri got transported into the relam of Hypnos.

A/N; Merry Christmas

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