Chapter 5: A Threat to the Court

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The police tried hard to find out. Everybody there was quite puzzled because they believed that Matthew was dead, and nobody was such a criminal they knew of. The court finally decided to place guards throughout the whole country. This appeared quite weird, but this decision was necessary.

The people were confused because this was a secretive decision. The people tried to ask the government, but this was ignored. When they were forced, the only reply they got was "Security." Matthew, as soon as he got information, asked everyone to be secretive, if they wanted to be saved. There were policemen everywhere. This decision was enough to make Matthew scared, for the first time.

These bombings were for anonymous revenge, but this made the real culprits hard to reveal because if they did this, for certain, they all were to be dead in less than a second. They needed new and more advanced strategies.

The puzzle kept unravelling and the team could not think of anything new until Caleb came up with an idea. Matthew thought of that earlier, but he thought it was very risky. It was to anonymously go to the police, dress up as someone else, and tell the police that Matthew was alive. Furthermore, they wanted to make this decision so that the police knew that Matthew was not dead and that it was faked so that they could take out their next plan, which was to officially threaten the government. As Caleb gave the idea, he was declared to take out the plan.

On the 4th of December, 9:00, early in the morning, Caleb went to the Police Headquarters in London on a car especially planned to do this mission. It was a sports car, except it did not look like one. But this was necessary to use as if he could run away in an emergency. He entered the police station as a normal person. He introduced himself saying "Good morning, sir. I am Chester Lewis. I have got some special information for you." Meanwhile, the group was monitoring the situation using CCTV cameras and two secret cameras that even Caleb didn't know he came with secret cameras. He saw Officer Tenpenny in front of him. He knew him and told him that Matthew was alive, and the death was faked. Officer Tenpenny did not believe him, so they decided to investigate. Matthew could have prevented that, but this time, he did not, and instead, let it happen so that they could threaten them.

They searched and searched, and finally found the truth. Everyone was surprised. One of the great puzzles was solved: The bombings were done by Matthew. But still, they were unaware that he had founded a group with whom he had made this happen. They were getting successful. Their mission was accomplished.

The next morning, on the 5th of December, he tracked that the police were again having a secret council. He went to the court in a normal, yet formal dress. The police suddenly aimed at him. They tried to shoot him, but everybody dropped their guns when they saw his group with missiles.

Matthew said, "Hands up, everyone!" and told the judge, "I challenge you, catch me and try to kill me: You will never be able to do that as I have now formed a group which can finish London in seconds, for I'm too powerful that I have stolen missiles secretly from the Military Base." Puzzled, they were all left with no clue about how he did not die and who was in that car.

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