Chapter 7: A failed robbery at the palace

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In order to make future plans, the RTW group fled to the United States. For them, Britain had been a major issue. As soon as they arrived at another place that was kept hidden, they began making more plans. They were absolutely unknown to the US authorities. They planned and spoke about governing Britain. David questioned, "We have accomplished so much, Matthew, but how will we meet our goal?" In response, Matthew said, "Wait, our time will come eventually." You may now each receive £142,857,142.857 from the billion for the time being. They were inspired to work harder by this. They made the decision to steal everything from them by sneaking inside Buckingham Palace. Give them to the streets when they are completely broke.

They returned to London the following week. "Ahh, the good old days," Matthew remarked. They were taking a chopper ride. It was midday when they landed inside. Outside, it was pouring rain. When the guards noticed them, everyone who was interfering was shot and killed. They entered. They found the location of the safe containing all the valuables. However, a sniper rifle shot by three of the guards saved everyone. The Noble Peace Prize was given to the three.

The St. Paul's Cathedral Church served as the venue for their funeral. A merely handful of hundred people attended their funeral due to his extreme cruelty. Their bodies were preserved for future generations in the London Museum.

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