
18 0 2

Alexa's 18th birthday party
Her party was coming up,she invited everyone,including Chris,he was in her friend group so she couldn't exclude him.

The party was going great,she didn't drink that much because she didn't want to celebrate her party being all wobbly. She saw Chris drinking a glass after glass.

The songs were too loud and she walked upstairs to her room

Alexa's heart skipped a beat as she entered her room to find Chris sitting there, surrounded by her personal belongings. She could see the pain and vulnerability in his eyes, mixed with the effects of alcohol. Part of her wanted to be angry, to demand an explanation for his intrusion. But another part of her, the part that still cared for him, couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy.

Taking a deep breath, Alexa closed the door behind her and approached Chris cautiously. "Chris, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be going through my things."

Chris looked up at her, his gaze filled with regret. "I know, Alexa. I'm sorry. I just needed some peace, some time to think. I didn't mean to invade your privacy."

Alexa's anger began to waver, replaced by concern. She could see the pain etched on Chris's face, and she knew that he was struggling with his own demons. "Chris, are you okay? Why are you drinking so much?"

Chris let out a bitter laugh, his voice tinged with sadness. "I guess I'm just trying to drown out the pain, Alexa. The pain of losing you, the pain of knowing I messed up. I can't face it sober."

Alexa's heart ached as she watched Chris unravel before her eyes. She knew that his actions were a result of his own inner turmoil, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility. "Chris, I understand that you're hurting. But drinking isn't the answer. It's only going to make things worse."

Chris nodded, his eyes filled with tears. "I know, Alexa. I know. But I don't know how else to cope. I miss you so much, and it kills me to see you moving on without me."

Tears welled up in Alexa's eyes as she listened to Chris's confession. She had tried to move on, to find happiness without him, but a part of her still longed for what they had once shared. "Chris, I miss you too. But we can't keep hurting each other like this. We need to find a way to heal, to move forward."

Chris looked up at her, his gaze filled with desperation. "I don't know if I can, Alexa. I don't know if I can let go of the past and forgive myself for what I've done."

Alexa took a step closer to Chris, her voice filled with compassion. "Chris, forgiveness is a process. It takes time and effort. But we can't let our mistakes define us. We have to learn from them and grow. And most importantly, we have to forgive ourselves."

Chris's shoulders slumped, his voice barely a whisper. "I don't know if I deserve forgiveness, Alexa. I don't know if I can ever make it up to you."

Alexa reached out and gently touched Chris's hand, her voice filled with sincerity. "Chris, forgiveness isn't about making it up to me. It's about finding peace within ourselves. It's about letting go of the pain and moving forward. And I believe that we can both find that, if we're willing to try."

Chris looked up at Alexa, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "Do you really think we can find our way back to each other?"

Alexa smiled softly, her heart filled with a glimmer of hope. "I don't know what the future holds, Chris. But I do know that we have a chance, if we're willing to work on ourselves and our relationship. It won't be easy, but I believe it's worth it."

As the noise from the party downstairs continued, Alexa and Chris sat together in her room, their hearts heavy with the weight of their past mistakes. But in that moment, they made a silent vow to each other – a vow to heal, to forgive, and to find their way back to each other.

Alexa went down stairs and couldn't face it,she began to drink a lot. Like a lot.
When she went back upstairs,she could barely walk.
She barged into her room and Chris was still sitting there,crying.
He looked up to see Alexa standing there,her eyes were cried out and her makeup was ruined. But she still looked gorgeous in his eyes.

Chris looked at her and said "come sit down my love "
Alexa fell on the bed and tried to sit but she couldn't see anything,her head was spinning.
"Wow you've really got drunk in 5 minutes?" He whispered
"Chris,I love you and I've always have" she said with a smile
"Alexa,stop doing this to me,you're hurting me" he said
The thought of Alexa being nice to him was killing him,he knew that she won't remember a thing tomorrow.
He thought to himself and just looked at the ground.
Alexa sat up and pulled him next to her.
"I love you Chris,and I forgive you" she whispered

"Alexa,you're too drunk to make decisions,so important decisions "

Alexa pulled him real close and held on to him,she smiled and kissed him.
Chris couldn't believe it and they made out.

Matt walked In the room when he was trying to find Chris,he saw him drinking and was worried.
When he opened the door all he saw was Alexa on top of Chris,kissing him.

He was shocked but happy,he immediately closed the door and went back downstairs.

As they both fell asleep,Matt called off the party,it was late already and everyone left. Chris was the only one staying

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