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As Matt fell asleep,I couldn't stop thinking about what the hell happened,kk was moving? Bruh whattt? She just gonna leave us like that,for some ugly ass dude Noah? He will fucking break her heart,she doesn't understand?
She fucking broke Matt's trust,she fucking lost him.
If Matt loves,he loves hard and it's always him getting hurt,it's always him fucking getting heartbroken.
I just need to text her again. I need answers.

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What the actual

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What the actual... is she serious? Girl nah.
It's late already,I'm going to sleep.


I woke up and Matt was nowhere to be seen,well maybe he left,I know he's hurt so it's best for him.
I still can't believe her,she's changed so much.
Ooo ev had messaged me,if you don't know who's ev-she's my cousin,we have such a strong bond,love her sm.
She is moving back to Boston with her best friend,ivory.
I'm so happy I get to see her and tell her all about my life and the things that had happened.

I quickly replied to Ev's message, expressing my excitement and telling her that I had so much to catch her up on. We made plans to meet up as soon as she arrived in Boston.

As the days went by, I couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness without Matt around. We had been best friends for years, and his absence was deeply felt. I decided to reach out to him and see how he was doing.

To my surprise, Matt responded almost immediately. He told me that he had taken some time for himself to heal and process everything that had happened. He admitted that he was still hurt, but he was slowly starting to move on.
I was glad to hear it cause kiara did him wrong,I hated her for that.

And as for KK, well, we heard through the grapevine that her relationship with Noah didn't last long. It seemed that her impulsive decision had come back to haunt her. But we didn't dwell on it.
She deserved it,I never knew she would choose some random dude over us.

Ev arrived in Boston,we decided to meet up at her new house,well her best friend Avory will be there too but I didn't mind,she seemed nice.

As I walked up to Ev's new house, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. It had been so long since we had seen each other, and I had so much to tell her. Avory, Ev's best friend, greeted me at the door with a warm smile. She seemed friendly and welcoming, instantly putting me at ease.

We settled down in the cozy living room, sipping on cups of hot tea as we caught up on each other's lives. Ev listened intently as I poured out my heart, sharing every detail of my tumultuous relationship with Chris. I told her about the highs and lows, the moments of pure bliss and the devastating arguments. I held nothing back, wanting her to understand the rollercoaster of emotions I had experienced.

As I spoke, Avory chimed in with words of encouragement and support. She shared her own experiences with love and relationships, offering valuable insights and advice. It was comforting to have her perspective, and I could tell that she genuinely cared about my well-being.

Ev's eyes filled with empathy as I recounted the most painful part of my story - Chris losing his memory and leaving for Spain. She held my hand tightly, assuring me that I had done everything I could and that it wasn't my fault. Her words brought me a sense of comfort and validation, reminding me that I deserved happiness and love.

After I finished sharing my story, there was a moment of silence as we all absorbed the weight of what had transpired. But instead of dwelling on the past, we decided to focus on the future. Ev and Avory shared their own dreams and aspirations, and we made a pact to support each other in achieving them.

Me and Chris still had a relationship i guess ,it's complicated,we obviously argue,but end up completely fine.

As me,ev and Avory hung out they told me that they will enroll in the school where I go,so it means we could hang out at school.
I told them about char,that she's kinda Chris's bestfriend and he tells her all about our relationship,it bothered them so much,they didn't find it okay.
The day flew by and me and Matt had plans to go out this evening,I said goodbye to them and waited for Matt to pick me up.

He wasn't alone,there was Chris and char. I sat in the front and those 2 sat in the back. I wasn't mad or anything cause they were besties. Yk .
As we drove to our destination, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. It seemed like there was an unspoken tension in the car, and I couldn't help but wonder if something was going on between Charlotte and Chris. I tried to brush off these thoughts and focus on enjoying the evening with Matt.

We arrived at the restaurant, and throughout the night, I noticed subtle glances and exchanges between Charlotte and Chris. It made me feel increasingly uncomfortable, and I couldn't help but feel like a third wheel in my own relationship.

As the evening progressed, I tried to engage in conversation and make the best of the situation. However, it became clear that Matt was more focused on his interactions with me than Charlotte and Chris. It felt like I was invisible for them, and my presence was merely an afterthought.

I couldn't help but feel hurt and betrayed. I had trusted Chris and believed that his friendship with Charlotte was innocent. But now, it seemed like there was something more going on between them, and it was tearing me apart.

Maybe I'm just overreacting?

Matt took me "home" as he said to them and just left Charlotte and Chris sitting there.

We didn't go home,not even close. We went to the beach and just chilled there.
I told him to take pics of me so I could post them.

Liked by Nicolassturniolo and 22,099 othersAlexaandersen:told you I'll be here forever

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Liked by Nicolassturniolo and 22,099 others
Alexaandersen:told you I'll be here forever.
User11:I saw Chris on a date with another girl
Alexaandersen:I know.

Avorythefift :GORGEOUS

Alexaandersen:haha no.

Nicolassturniolo:MY GIRL
Matthew.sturniolo:marry me?🤔


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