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Alexa woke up with a huge headache,she saw Chris sleeping next to her.
"OH NO NO NO NO" she thought to her self
"I didn't want to forgive him this way. Ain't no way he stayed over"
I remember everything that happened,which is wierd cause I drank a lot and fast,I never remember anything. What the fuck.
I looked in the mirror,oh shit. My makeup was smudged and my whole face was black because of the mascara.
I remembered the kiss and felt butterflies in my stomach,I can't believe I forgave him in that way.
I got dressed and cleaned my face off. I went to take a shower.
While I was showering I thought about Chris. I hadn't kissed him in so long.
It was lovely.
I got out of the shower and took some aspirin.
Chris woke up,I heard him in my room.
I made some breakfast and waited in the kitchen for him.
As he walked in I noticed his eyes,they were sparkling not like before.
"Good morning Princess" he said
I felt butterflies and couldn't stop looking in his eyes.
"Good morning "
"I'm sorry about yesterday,I couldn't help it"
"Nah it's cool,I have such a bad headache right now" he said.
"Yeah, we drank a lot"

I replied, trying to hide my smile. We sat down at the kitchen table and began eating breakfast together. The atmosphere felt different, lighter somehow. It was as if a weight had been lifted off our shoulders once again.

As we ate, Chris started telling me about the upcoming events,that's when it hit me.
He's trying to tell me something,but what?
He looked up to me with a certain look.
I needed to break the silence
"Im sorry I kissed you yesterday " I said

"I know it was a reckless move," Chris admitted, his voice filled with mix of emotions.
"So Chris,anything you want to tell me? You've been talking about a lot of upcoming events "
"Well,it's not the right time. Sorry" he said
"I really need to go"
"Okay,we'll bye " I said and walked to my room.
I wasn't sad or angry. I was just tired

Chris got home and Matt texted me
He asked me if I wanted to hang out with him at the cliffs,where the cool view is.
I agreed and he picked me up.

"Heeey!" Matt said with a huge smile
"Heyy,what are we doing?"
"Well i was wondering if you wanted to go to Starbucks,grab a drink and go to the spot " he said

We drove to the cliffs and talked,he really had a lot to tell,we had such a nice deep conversation,the day flew by in a second and it was getting late already.
We layed on the cliff with a blanket and looked at the stars.
"Alexa,me and Kia broke up" he said
"Whaattt,what happened?"
"Didn't she tell you?" He asked
"No,we haven't talked since me and Chris got in a fight."
"Well... she had an affair with one of my teammates,do you know Noah?" He replied
"YES,I know him,he's such a jerk"
"Well yeah,she cheated on me with him."
"Wow,I would never think she's like that." I said.
Kia called me and I picked up and put on speaker so Matt could hear.

"Hey,Alexa,I just wanted to tell you that I don't want to keep this friendship,I'm moving to LA with Noah,just take care of Matt for me please. "
"WHAT THE FUCK KIA,How could you do this to them? How could you do this to me?" I said

"I'm sorry,I don't want to keep this friendship,you're with them and that's your purpose. My purpose is to move away with my bf and live happily, I know we've been friends since kindergarten and I hope you understand me."

"No,I don't understand you. I don't fucking know you,how could you break Matt like that? What the fuck"

"You can call me whenever you need help,I'm always here for you"

"No I don't need a fucking whore be there for me,Matt will always be there for me and Noah will break your heart,I promise you" I said and hung up.
Matt looked so hurt by her words,his eyes welled up with tears and I could see that he was really upset.

"Matt,it's gonna be alright,I'm here for you "
I hugged him and he hugged me so tight that I was really thinking no one had been checking up on him for a while.
"It's gonna be okay." I said and tried to make him smile.
We layed under the stars and he talked about everything,he opened up to me and I could read him like a book.
He was so hurt and none of his brothers had noticed,he's been so off lately and no one had checked up on him.
It was already morning but we still talked. I've never had such a long conversation with someone,but it felt nice.
He wished me luck with Chris and we drove home,he decided to stay at my house cause he didn't want his brothers to ask him what had happened as they would notice his red eyes.
Matt walked to my room and fell asleep.

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