Chapter 1

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Sora's P.O.V

   Her eyes flickered across the classroom bored, as the teacher spoke in the auditorium, her head resting on her palm, her elbow pressed into the desk of the table. Her pencil tapped softly on the desk, the only sound she heard as she looked outside the window and saw an oddly placed white van sitting in the parking lot outside the school. It had never been there before, but she brushed it off as a maintenance crew or something. Even though something felt off, she focused back on her class, the shuffling of other students, and pencils against the papers they were handed at the beginning of class. 

   A soft sigh came from her best friend, Jiyeon, next to her, her eyes flickering over to her best friend, a face of boredom on her as well. They had plans to go to the store after school and get a bunch of snacks, as it was a Friday. They would be staying the night together at Jiyeon's house, where she could avoid the tormentor that awaited her, even though she knew she would regret it when she went back to her home.

   Jiyeon turned to her and a smile crossed her rose-tinted lips, her eyes sparkled in a sudden excitement as they looked at each other and the clock. They had 20 minutes before they could leave the hell they knew as the school.  Suddenly a loud bang rang through the school making the building shake, the lights faltering slightly to a flicker. Other students looked confused, while screams pierced the halls outside the classroom.  Suddenly shots sounded from outside the door, loud and echoing. Her heart raced as she looked at Jiyeon in fear and panic, as Jiyeon pulled her under the desk, phones in hand. 

   Clinging to each other as they always have, kids frantically sprinted for safety from the shots echoing in the building, as silence filled the room suddenly. More shots rang through the air, as a whimper left them, mouths clenched shut in silence as their free hands covered their mouths, and tears poured from their eyes. Jiyeon pulled her to move as the sounds got further away, their chance to hopefully escape alive. Panic ran through their eyes as they quietly walked down the steps getting closer to the auditorium doors.

   Jiyeon peaked through the door carefully before quietly moving to open the door and pulling her through the door, as they quietly sprinted toward an exit. But not before a sound of footsteps on glass sounded behind them, she made the mistake of looking behind her, the hooded figure pulling an arm up and holding a gun. Seconds passed before a bang sounded, so deafening that she screamed and moved harshly to sprint faster, her hand went empty as she looked down and saw an empty hand looking around and seeing Jiyoen collapsed on the ground as she has a bleeding hole through her back exiting her chest. A sob racks through her as she watches her best friend slowly close her eyes, her last words being to run away and save herself.

   Her eyes opened quickly, sweat dripping every grievous of her body. Heavy pants left her in panic as she looked around seeing she was in her bedroom, a panicked sigh left her as she ran her fingers over her face and then through her hair. Her clock said it was 4 in the morning as she groaned, and decided to get up regardless of the time.  Moving over to her desk, she started to finish her schoolwork as she had nothing better to do at the ungodly hour, her mind wandering several times as she worked through several studies of coursework. 

   Time passed as she worked stewardly over the pages, each one getting completed as she moved on to the next. Her pencil scraped the surface of each page leaving lines of lead across each thin sheet of paper. The sound of lead across paper, a clock ticking, and soon birds softly chirping into the early morning were the only sounds she heard, for hours, until the sound of banging resounded from her door. Her eyes widened at realization as she looked at the time 6:47 in the morning. She quietly cursed to herself as she quickly moved to the door and opened it to the face of the last person she wanted to see, her father, as he looked fuming at her. 

"Y...yes, father, may I help you?" She stuttered as she looked at him, nervousness raking through her nerves as she stood there quietly. "Why isn't breakfast ready yet, you bitch?" He growled toward her taking steps into her room, her steps backing me up as she let go of the door. She gulped softly, looking back at the time and her eyes widened realizing she had completely sidetracked the fact that she was supposed to make breakfast like every morning. 

She looked back at him and stuttered trying to find words, that never came as a slap landed across her face. The residual stings lingered as tears burned her eyes, she apologized profusely as she looked down, and awaited the next hit, but it never came. She slowly looked up to see his back facing her as he walked away and stopped at her door. "Don't let it happen again, and go make breakfast!" He growled and disappeared in the hallway.

She sighed in relief as she turned and quickly got dressed in her school uniform before running down to the kitchen and quickly made her father breakfast, setting it on the counter where he always sat before grabbing her school stuff and coursework. She bolted out the door quickly as she took off towards the direction of her school. Her thoughts trailed off the her deceased best friend whom she missed dearly. She only lived for her. The only reason she was alive today was because of Jiyeon. Which brought tears to her eyes. That bullet... was meant for her. Not Jiyeon. But she couldn't change the past. 

Before she knew it she was walking into her college classrooms, a whole new school. A whole new year. She sighed as she continued.

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