Chapter sixteen

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                                     As we ate and made a few jokes and enjoys ourselves we didn't realize that soon war would brake. "Babe are you ready for bed?" Alexzander asked I smiled and nod we got up and said our goodnights. When we got upstairs  I looked out to the woods Alexznader put his arms around my waist. "Wanna go for a run?" He asked I nod I jumped out the window he jumped out the window as did he we transformied into our wolfives and took off running racing having the times of our lives. We got to the top of the rocks looking out to the river. He nuzzled his nose into my neck. We cuddle looking at the moon light projection on the water.  We were about to fall asleep when a sent hit our noses we got up Alexznader got in front of me. Ten werewolves came out of the woods  all rogues.  'Stay behind me.' Alexznader said through teplithay. One of them lunged at us. Alexzander took his neck off and he bleed out.  Then they all came at him at the same time. He was fending them off wit ease but I looked left and saw a group of witches about to cast a spell on Alexzader I growled at them they looked at me. "You dare defy my leadership!" I yelled changing into my human form. "You are with a wolf. We can not follow that." One said I couldn't even look at them. "Then leave. And don't set foot in my kingdom again!" I yelled/Howled. They scurried away. I look over at Alexzander he was whimpering. I giggled and walked over to him. I put my hand on his forehead. "I'm sleepy lets go home. Can I ride on you?" I asked he noded and I got on his back. Leaving all the dead rouges and the scard witches. When we got home we cuddled and fell into a deep slumber.  We both woke up at the same time "Good moring good looking" He said I started to giggle.  We gout up and walked into the bath brushing our teeth I was already naked so I got in the shower Alexzander joined me after a very very long shower. We got out. But before we could even get dressed "Alphas, Alpha Frank is here to see you." A voiced said I rolled my eyes and put on a summer dress and saddles. Alexznader had on a dark blue shirt and black jeans with boots on. He took my hand and we walked to the office. I didn't have any make up on and my hair was still wet. "Alexznader! You have grown my boy! And who is this lovely young lady!" Alpah Frank asked he was good looking for his age. Brown hair that was very light very tan his halze eyes look so bight and his smile was very warm and welcoming. "This is my mate Ruby." Alexznader said "Lovely to meet you Ruby I'm Frank." He said kissing my hand I smiled "Nice to meet you too." I said we sat down at the oak table with a wolf carved into it. "Well Z man I hate to come here and bring you bad news but." Befoure he could finsh that senticen I was running to the bathroom throwing up. Alexznader cam in holding my hair and rubbing my back. Which was pissing me off. When I got done I walked up to our room Alexznader stayed with Frank well I told him to. I layed down but I didn't want to sleep I was starving I brushed my teeth again. I looked at the pack as we ate dinner. The numb feeling was back. The unloved feeling was back. No, I cant take this again, I've got enough scars from it. Alexzander put his hand on my thigh I pushed it off. And walked outside. I looked as the moon looked so bright. I turned into my wolf and took off running. What is wrong with me? Why must I be so sad? "Ruby? Where are you? What's wrong?"  Alexzander begged to know I didn't answer. He has seen the scars but he doesn't know where they came from.  I found the old place where my razors still layed. Under a rock I go back to my human form and take one of them, I press it to my skin and just kept cutting. My arms and thighs were bleeding a lot. I smiled. Like I always did. "Ruby, what are you doing?" Alexzader asked coming out of the trees. I quickly put the blades back, "I'm fine. I'm going to stay out here for the night though." I said. He looked at my arms and legs. "I knew those scars weren't from your father. Why Ruby?" Alexzander said falling to his knees right infront of me. "It helps. A lot. Its a reaifle from all the sadness." I said looking at him "So you're unhappy now?" He started to cry. I pulled him close. "I don't know what I am. But please don't cry." I started to try trying to get the sentice out. He pulled me close as you could. "What do you mean you don't know what you are? I don't understand this babe? Did I do something wrong? Am I not making you happy?" He cried. "I stopped takeing my meds when we met. You aren't doing anything wrong. Its me." I said. "Meds for what?" He asking kissing my arms and checking out the ones on my legs. "Depression." I said very silently. He looked at me and pulled me close again. "It will be okay babe. We will get you back on the meds. I promises." He said burring his heading my neck. I cried and cried as he walked us home. He walked right to the room. And he ran the bath I stopped crying as be washed the cuts and everything  else. He put a towel around me caring me to bed. Holding me close as we fell asleep. When I woke up Alexzader was already awake looking at me. I smiled. "Moring." I said he kissed my head. "Moring beautiful. I slowly tried to get up but Alexzander wouldn't let me. "What do you need?" He asked "To brush my teeth. And don't I have school I haven't been there in like forever." I said he laughed "You haven't been there in almost two weeks Dasiy called them and told them you have a flu really bad." He said letting me go so I could get up I waked to the  bathroom. "You have a tan line. That looks really hot." Alexzader said as I walked into the bathroom. I giggled and realized I was naked. I brushed my teeth, and my hair. I walked into the room Alexznader was getting dressed. He had on a green shirt with dark blue jeans. I walked over to him and get my cloths A zebra print everything. Alexznader watched as I got dressed. The zebra dress was a bit tight. "Oh we have to go to Franks place. So were aren't going to school. Again." He said licking my neck. I started giggling. "I love that sound" He roughly said in my ear. Then sucked on my neck. "Mhm Zander we have a place to go." I said he sighed "I know." He said kissing my neck I look at my arms so did Alexzander "You will be okay babe. And here I got your meds back." He said handing me a bottle I took it got a pill out and took it. "I love you." Alexzander said I smile "I love you more." I said "Impossible."  He said kissing me "Nothing is impossible." I said he laughed "We really do have to get going babe." He said " I know." We walked out. And to the car everyone was gone. We had the radio up windows down, having just a jolly old time. All the way to South Carolina. When we got there it was Mid afternoon we went in everyone who was home was bowing there heads. We got to Franks office and just walked right in. "Alexzander still have a problem with knocking I see." Frank said I laughed. "Rue what are you doing here?" Tarry an old friend of mine say her ginger hair has gotten darker and more longer and curler but her blue eye's still shinned she was still oddly tall. "I'm mated to Alexzadner." I said and gave her a huge hug. "I've missed you!" She said "And mated?" She said and winked I laughed "Well how about you two cheach up and we will can handle the pack stuff." Frank said I look at him so did Tarry "I guess that is a no." He said I smiled we sat down. "So the problem is the rouges." Frank said. "They have been crossing and killing none stop." Tarry added Befoure we could speak rouges attacked I ran to the window and jumed out using my witch powers I landed fine. "OKay look bitches I'm trying to have a God damn conversation okay?" I said filing them well out of the range of the packs land. I went back inside and sat back down. "Well that is one way of taking care of them." Frank said.  Tarry and Alexzander laughed.  "We can get the witches to do some of the work." Frank suggested I looked at him. "Well witches have a way of keeping wolves out of there way. Couldn't you just like make it to where to would only keep off rouges?" He asked "I guess I've never really thought about it. I could ask my aunt." I said "But then again some rouges want to join a pack right? Not all are evil. Am I mistaken?" I said "Ture but they mostly are evil." He said "Then I guess we need to send them some where." I said "MY AUNT!" I yelled they all looked at me. "Okay so like we could put up the bouders and lead them all to a witches house or a big witch area the thing about witches is they can judge a person not only by how the act but much more then that. They get a vibe off a person and then they find out more and more even if the person says something or not. It just comes off the vibes." I said. "So what would they do with the bad ones?" Terry asked "Do I need to reminded you who the witches are?" I said "That is a good point." Frank said "No office but how can we trust the witches." Frank asked "Well Ruby is the next to take over. And they are like us they don't brake truadiosn." Alexzader said "Well I guess that will work." Frank said.  After that we all hung out with the rest of the pack. "So Rue tell me what the hell happen after seventh grade?" She asked "Well dad like always had a bug up his ass and deiced that I had to move schools." I said rolling my eyes. She laughed "I always hated him." She said Alexzander picked me up and sat me on his lap. "Are you ready to go babe? Tomrrow is my partents last day with us." He said I smiled and nod Terry gave me her number I put it in Alexzaders phone He was saying goodbye to Frank "He broke mine. I will make him get me a new one." I said laughing she laughed "That's the Rue I know." She laughed I winked hugged her and walked to the car we took off. "Oh here." Alexzander said handing me a phone. "Is this mine?" I aksed "Yes it is." He said I looked at it. It was a Iphone. I put Terrys number on it and Alexzanders I started looking through it. And saw in the pictures were very dirty picture of Alexznader. "Likening what you see?" He asked "I like it better when it live." I said rubbing his leg. "Ruby." He said I moved my hand and unzipped his zipper and put my hand in his pants and started rubbing it faster and faster. "Ruby!" He moaned I went as fast as I could go and he cummed all over my hand I licked it off. "When we get home you are going to pay for that." He said I giggled and started texting Terry. 
Alexzander POV 
I look over to see Ruby sleeping like a little angle. What in the hell am I going to do with her. I pull into our drive way and get out of the car and get her picked her up and carry her to our room. I striped her and put one of my shirts on her. I took off my cloths and put on my boxers. I suggle up close to her. "I love you." She said tiredly "I love you too now sleep babe." I said she suggled up to my chest and closed her eyes I kissed the top of her hand and let my eyes close. "Daddy come play with us." A little girl said I looked at her she looked like Ruby but with my hair. I chases her out of my office and outside where Ruby was rubbing her huge belly and she was watching a little boy swinging. "Come on daddy!" She yelled running to the swings I ran with her and started to push them both Ruby was smiling taking picture of kids. "Its time for lunch kiddies!" Ruby yelled. They both jumped off the swinging's and ran to the table "Just like their father." Ruby said kissing my check.

I'm sorry it has token me this long to up load. I will be up loading more that I'm on brake. And have time to think and such. Love you all <3 <3 Panda out.

The unloved daughter and the king of wolfs ( under HUGE editingWhere stories live. Discover now