chapter five

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       His fingrs thrusted in and out if me and I was about to cum his phone rang "Sorry gattio I have to get that." he said and toke his fingers out of me and licked my juisese off of his fingers answerd his phone and walked out the door.What the hell he gets me all exsidede to answer and fucking call and leve me here I am going to kick his God damn werewolf ass he came back in with a frown and sad and anger in his eyes " You damn dog you get me all exsided to fucking leave me to aswer a damn call!" I yell. He smiled and laughed and gave me a kiss I pulled back "No. Your nit forgiven and I need cloths. You damn dog." I said "I am not a dog and I like you better naked." Alexzander said I blushed he tryed to get on top of me but I manged to be on top "I said no I need cloths and I need to get to school Mr. Rizzo." I said then I felt something on my core makeing me get very aroused. "Well Miss. Brown apperntly you really dont want to leave this bed for a week or two."Alexzander said but it came out as more if a growl "Damn dog stop growling!" I yelled. He laughed and rolled on top of me. "I think maybe I should teach you a lession in how use apporet langue infront of a teacher. Dont you?" He asked I just mound God I have become a whore just like my sisters wait no I am not Alexzander is the first guy I have ever been with well sexual any way. "Zander I really have to get to school."I said he nod "Well I will get you some cloths." He said and walked out of the room and slamed the door. Awsome my werewolf mate is mad at me I am naked horny as fuck in his bed and I am worryed about school well if I dont go my dad would beat my ass he has done it before and tryed to have sex with me. I pulled my legs up to my chest trying not to think of the past but the merrioes came like the water after you brake a dam every time he had a bad day he would take it out on me ever since I could remeber I didnt undersatnd what I had done wrong? Why am I such a miskie was it only becuse I was a girl? Or is there a deeper meaning on why they hate me? I can't undersnde why or what I had done wrong. I didnt relize I was crying until Alexzander had me in his arms rocking me telling me everything was going to be alright. "Gattio what is wrong?" He asked and i told him about my dad my mom how they treated me and loved my sisters more that didnt even want to see me. "Gattio I am sorry that it all happen to you but you are mine now. I will love and care for you I will protcet you you wont have to work or worry about a thing." Alexzander said and kissed me on my forhead holdding and rocking me and I let all my tears of anger and unknowingness and every outher emotion I could even think to name so many of them and they all came pooring out. We sat there for a few hours he rocked me and let me cry then I got dressed after that it was to late to go to school so he called in sick for both of us. I had on a Bosten red sockes shirt on and blue jeans the jeans were a bit to big and the shirt I knew was Alexzanders.I went into the kinchen and sat at the bar while Alexzander made us lunch Grilled chease and Mac and chease. He finlly put on a shrit after he heard all the kids come home from school he also had a Red socks shirt on  a teenager came and sat next to mae after Zander gave me my food the boy was not that bad looking he had White hair and green eyes and very dark tan skin "So your a Socks fan?" He asked "Nope a Tampa bay Rays fan." I said poping ther P Zander almost chocked on his food everyone looked at me and him "No mate of mine will be a Ray fan they suck." He said "Exuses me the red socks suck thats why there in 18th and the rays are Fith so ha in your face." I said  "I guess your not a Tintens fan ither" The boy asked "Nope Gients" I said Zander gave me a dirty look "Hate all you want but I only like winners." I said and smiled "Brunnnnn Alpha got Brunnned" The boy yelled Hmm the alpha I wonder who that is and what. I looked at Zander he smiled "A alpha is the one who controls the pack of the wolfs becuse we stay in packs only roges are loners and I so happen to be the Alpha that little dork whos ass I am going to kick is my baby cusion. Aint that right shrimp." Zander said and I lauged Zanders eyes light up and he smiled I think if he was in dog from his tail would be wagging none stop. I smiled at him "Ok jsut because you were born first means nothing I could still woop your ass." He said "Is that so Cody? Are you callgening me agin?" Zander asked Cody shiverd "No." He wisperd everyone eles laughed and Cody got close to me"Save me oh sweet alpha femeale save me form the evil demond thing." He said "You mean that damn dog that growls?" I asked taking a bit out of my grilled chease Cody fell out of his chair laughing so hard "She called him a damn dog!" he yelled everyone was in tears but Zander was giveing me a death glare "Whats wrong with puppy?" I asked useing a voice that was ment for babys and sat on his lap. "I think you my little mate need to be toght a lession on respecte to your mate and alpha." Znader said and though me over his sholder and started to walk unpairs "Cody save me the damn dog has got me!" I yelled "Oh God I pissed myself" Cody laughed out "Thats lovely and now that you smell worse then the damn dog dont come and save me." I yelled  Zander tossed me on his bed agin and he looked at me and a door and smiled "I hope you like it as roghe as I give it." Zander

The unloved daughter and the king of wolfs ( under HUGE editingWhere stories live. Discover now