Chapter nine

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                           "AXEL ALEXZANDER ROSIE KAITHREN GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE YOUR IN BIG BIG TROUBLE!" I yelled I saw two little kids run down the stars they looked about eight I aslo noticed that I was Pregent again "I heard you two beat up Sara at school. Why?" I asked I saw the little girl she looked juts like Alexznader only in girl from and smaller and in a blue dress she looked at me "Mommy she started it she called me a freak and that I should be the next in line to become queen because I am a witch and a werewolf so I punched her." The little girl said "Yeah mommy then her brother call Rosie a bad word so I taught him not to talk about my baby sister just like daddy said I always have to protect Rosie." The little bot who looked like me. Before I could yell at them Alexzander walked infornt of  me and knelled to the so he was almost the same hight as the kids. "You did the right thing and defend your sister but violence is not always the answer. And Rosie that's my little girl defencing your self but your both still in trouble now get your butts in you rooms while me and mommy decide your punishment." He said Rosie gave him a kiss on his check while Axel was along gone in his room. Then Rosie ran off Alexznader came and hugged me putting his hands on my belly "And how are my other children?" He asked picking me up and sitting me on the couch. "Been kicking none stop but now that there daddy is here they have calmed down." I said he smiled we cuddled "So what are we going to do with Rose and Ax?" He asked "Um two days with out Tv i think they will get the message." I said laughing he kissed the top of my head "As do I." He said then we heard Axel and Rosie auguring "Ugh." I said not wanting to get up. "I will get them why don't you start dinner?" He asked I nod and walked to the kitchen the I felt a sharp pain in my belly and back I clung to the counter for spourt. "Alex its time." I yelled.

-(End of dream)-

  "Babe Ruby wake up." Alexzander said I open my eyes and saw him hovering over me. I looked at him, "You were yelling Alex its time. What kinda dream were you having?" He asked the we sat Cross crossed from either and I told about Axel and Rosie and that I went into labor he had the biggiet smile on his face "Axel and Rosie?" He asked "I like those names. How old did you we look?" He asked "I don't really know you looked the same." I said  He smiled "That's because I wont change on bit until I am about 60." He said "Why not never mind let me guess its a werewolf thing?" I asked he laughed and nod there was a knock on the door "Yo bro I am coming in pleases be dressed." I heard Trey alexanders little brother say and he walked in and jumped on the bed with us I looked at his pink hair "Can I please dye you hair to a different color?" I asked he laughed "It was going to be red but manged to come out pink but yeah I like blue." He said "Thank God." Alexzander said we laughed "Um I think I found my mate. But she hates me." He said Alexzander looked at me then him "Whats her name?" Alex asked "Dasy she is in my class." He said "Why do you think she hates you?" I asked "Well I kinda was mean to her one day and called her a retarded fat ass ugly whore." He said looking at the convener playing with it "You dumbass how could you be so rude to a girl?" I yelled "Because well she is a rouge so I was kinda natural mean to her." He said I smacked him on the back of the head Alexzander laughed harder "What was taht for?" He asked rubbing the back of his head "For being a jackass. Apologize to her and try to patch things up with her." I said he nodded "Also can we do green instead thats her favorite color." He said I nod and he walked out I looked at Alexzander "Whats your favorite color?" He asked "Baby blue. Whats yours?" I asked "Red." He said I smiled "No wonder you like that red dress of mine." I said "If you ever where something like that around other men I will have to punish you more then what I am already going to have to do." He said pinning me down "Really what kinda punishment are we talking about?" I asked he growled and spend me around so I was laying on my belly then he went into the side table and handcuffing my hands and feet to the bed then he got off me and walked to a room and came out a minute "This is your punishment" He said then slapped my ass with a sex whip I mound in please who would have thought I liked it rouge he did it a few more times then we heard alarm clocks go off I was disappointed I wanted to say home and have hot passionate sex with my sexy mate. He unlocked me then pined me against the wall, "You you like to say home today?" He asked licking the sensitives part of my neck I mound then he grabbed my sore ass I moued "I asked you something you should answer. Unless you want a nether spanking?" He asked "I locked his lips with mine "Yes Mr. Rizzo I would like to stay home today." I said rapping my legs around his hips "Good girl." He said then put me on the bed and riped the cloths I had on last night and kissing everywhere and handcuffed me again. He found his way back to my lips and he was rubbing his bulge on my core. "Alexzander." I whispered he was only in boxer  he toke them off oh God he was bigger then I thought would he fit? I asked my self was I ready to lose my virginity? But I didn't have to make that chooses because before Alexzander even got the condom on his little brother Trey walked in "Hey Ruby do you think.. OH MY MY GOD I AM SACRED FOR LIFE MOMMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled wow awkward and funny as fuck. "That damn little buzz kill." he said I looked at what me meant he wasn't as hard as he was before but  I was still naked under him so is wasn't fully gone. "I think you better see what he wants." Alexzander said I nod and grabbed one of his shirts that came down to my knees and went to where I heard Trey talking more like crying but with out the tears. "What did you need T?" I asked "Oh God I am sorry Ruby damn he is going to be pisst." Trey said "It cool now what did you need?" I asked aging with a smile "Um do  look ok and how should I aporch her?" he asked al nerves all the guys looked at him and smiled "Urm sit with her at lunch and be nice get to know her TELL HER YOU SORRY FOR BEING A JACKASS." I said he smiled "Cool when we doing my hair?" He asked "Tonight I will get the stuff I need you want it green right?" I asked he nod then his eyes got really wide I looked at him then what he was looking it was Alexznader beyond mad. "See you later Ruby thanks you the best." He said ruining out of the house and everyone followed Alexzander came and raped his hands around my wast spun me around and his lips crashed on my he put on the counter and riped the shirt I had on he smiled "Now we can finish where we left off." He said and pinned e on the counter with him above me he licked his lips and then gave me some more hickeys everywhere the I saw how hard he was and those questions came back asking if I was ready or not. I did have the answer "Ruby I don't want to push you we can wait." Alexzander said I looked at him he was very concerned damn I loved him he was harder then a rock but was willing to wait for me. 'I......Want to wait. Pleases don't be mad." I said he kissed my check and smiled "As much as I would love to make love to you I will force you into something you don't want. Lets get dressed we can do something today." He said I smiled and nod we got off the counter and walked to our room and I picked out a blue sundress blue bra and a blue thong I put my hair in a Bride didn't put any make up on I walked out to get some shoes and I saw Alexznader there in a UT shirt and blue jeans with boots I walked over to my shoes and put on knee high rainbow socks with knee high tops we walked to his car It was noon by the time he were on the high way I still had no ideas where we were gowning "Where are we going?" I asked "To the Zoo its in Knoxville." He said I jumped for joy hitting my head on the top of the car he laughed 'I FUCKING LOVE THE ZOO!" I yelled   "Wanna play the question game?" He asked "Sure"I said

"When is your birthday? Zander Asked

"February 10th. You?" I asked

"Next Monday." He said

"What is you favort book?" He asked

"Um The vampire diers. You?"I asked

"I am suppressed you didn't say twilight. And Night world."He said

"Twilight sucks I would rather bruin in hell then ever read that book." I said

"Well Um whats your favort song?" He asked

"Lets get it cracking by Deuce. You?I asked

"Love your taste in music and Undead my Hollywood of the undead."He said this content all the way until we got to the Zoo we learnd so much like why he want to become a teacher because he always loved doing that he wanted seven kids He found out that I hated uneven numbers and I wanted 10 he liked that answer. When we got to the Zoo I was happier then a kid at the candy store. "Come on babe lets go look at the animals then we can get lunch." he said I nod we walked around and then we got to where the sea life was he also found out how much I have always wanted to swim with them "Ruby come with me I have a surprises for you." Alexzander said I walked with him. "You are the best boyfriend ever." I said as we got ready to go swimming wit the fish's and other sea animals I kissed him and then we went in the was so amazing the fish got used to us and swam with us. When we got done we went and ate at one the resonates at the zoo. I had a yummy stake with sled and mashpatoes Zander had the same "You are so different from normal girls Ruby." Zander said "Thank you I think." I said he laughed and he told me how it was growing up in his family and its sound very funny but it had its hard time mostly when his sister was died. I want to cry because he looked like he wanted to. Then we had to go back I loved have the day off I hated school the only part I love was when I went to Alexznader room. I fell asleep on the car ride back "Ruby we almost home." I heard Alexzander say I whipped my eyes "Oh I forgot here is you new phone." He hand me a Iphone 4 "Oh my God you got me this?" I asked he nod I toke it gave him a kiss "God I got so lucky to have you and thank you." I said he smiled "Don't thank me I am you mate I Will always buy you things." he said then when we got home I couldn't believe what I forget "Shit I need to go out town and buy something." I said grabbing the keys out of Alexzanders hand "TREY COME WITH ME!' I yelled and Trey came running down and jumped in the car as did I and we drove out I toke out my phone "Find out how to get to Sally's." I told trey handing him my phone it was right next walmart it was seven it was open until eight I laughed when I saw his face "Your worse then Alex." He said I laughed and we walked into Sally's I got what I need bleach and green dye a new hair brush container hair stainer and outher things. I paid for it with my money for once and when we got home. I could not stop laughing on what Alexzander had on.


Thanks for reading


The unloved daughter and the king of wolfs ( under HUGE editingWhere stories live. Discover now