Chapter Twelve

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     I woke up to Alexznader kissing me on my forehead he looked like he was getting ready to go somewhere. "Hey babe I didnt mean to wake you." He saidI smiled "Where you going?" I asked "I am sorry babe but I have to go out to town again. Would you like to come?" He asked "Why you going out of town for? And sure." I ansewrd he smiled "More alpha things and get dressed I will wait for you." He said I nod I got up and relized how much pain I was in. "OW" I wimper Alexzander ran to me kneeled down "Whats wrong?" He asked "It hurts to move." I said he laughed and kissed my check helped me up the I picked out a dark green top and blue jeans with a green bra and red underwere. Alexzander watched me get dressed damn perve I thoght "I can hear your thoughts." He said I rolled my eyes and put my top on brushed my hair and teath. "Ready to go." I said he smiled we walked out to the back hang me a bag I toke it and then he changed into a wolf I jumped a little I heard Rome and Cody laugh "Get on his back." Cody said I got on I felt his warm brown fur all over me and I loved it. I heard the outher two change and then we toke off I stayed down deep in the fur up by his head holding on to his fur.

   It was a few more hours until we stoped and Alexzander toke the bag and the boys went behind a tree and changed cloths. "Where are we?" I asked "About five mintes until New Yourk, Long Island." Cody said Zander came up and gave me a kiss. And that lead to a make put sesion. "Yo I know your horny mates and all but damn." Cody said I laughed pulling away from the kiss but kept my hands behind his neck and he kept his on my hip. "We will finsh this when we get to the hoetal room." Alexznader wipsher in my ear. I giggled."So my Queen ready to meet all this outher bitchs and rember you can kill them if you plases. Pleses do!" Cody said I smiled and laughed but everyone had a dead seriouse look on there face. "Are they really that bad?" I asked "There soby bitchs who need to be put in there place." Rome said "Well." Was all I could say we walked Alexzander and I holding hands and we walked to this pack house which was nice but could look better it was a three storey kinda bilut to be a farm house and it was bight green and that kinda made me wanna barf. I heard the boy's laugh I look at them. "We heard what you said." Alexzander said "Oh well it dose." I said they laughed harder. Then some little skanky ass bitch came out with the alpha you could tell that because he smlet like one kinda like Alexzander but a lot less power I kind of sincecd that. Stange "Oh Zandy! I have missed you so much!" The little skank exlamed and jumped on Alexznader he didn't even try to chech her that was funny. I watched as she fell her dyed red hair with her brown roots showing to tight of a shirt showing her fack ass boobs and a mini shrit with a green thong. Ok I might sound like a hyprocet because I wore the red dress out in puplic but I did it to tesse Alexzander I guess this slut weres shit like that everyday she got up and smiled. "Oh I see you broght a friend a long. "I am Mary but everyone calls me." I interpted her "Slut?" I qustioned Oh shit did I just say that. You could hear a nail drop outher then my boy's laughing I mean I had Rome storting."Exuse me" She sernd "My bad is whore better?" I asked all inccently. "Bitch you better respct me you just some whore I am a alpha female." She said going to hit me all hell no. I puchsed her hand away grabed her slinder fack tan neck and said. "You best to listen up cunt I am the mother fucking queen I will do as I damn well please, and I don't have to repspect no one." I said I felt Alexzanders arms come around my wast and he wisperd in my ear and said,"Gatto let her go lets no kill anyone now." I let the bitch go and noticed that they whole pack was staring in amazment and fear on the acctions that had just accerd. And I saw a girl mad as hell like a tiger about to pouncese on it prey her left eye was black as night the outher one blue as the sea her firey red hair was changeing into a wolf a bright red one and she toke off in teh woods I got a her sent and she smelled like power so this bitch with the alpha around her is a fake and the red one is the real alpha female. 

"He rejeced his mate like a dumbass."  Alexzander said though mind link and it scard the shit out of me.

"What the fuck you can do that?" I asked

"Yeah if you dont want that person as you mate." He said 

I looked up at him and thought then why the hell did you keep me. Why not find someone strong your age? And then he kissed me and wispernd in my ear "Because I love you." I smilled and heard a mornful howl something just toke over me I pushed Alexznader away and changed into a wolf, and toke off running to the howl.

Alexznaders POV

  I kissed her I could not explane why I didnt find someone my age or stronger. Because there is no one like her there is no one who loves like her cares like she is the girl for me. My little angle and I would give the world and the stars just to see her smile or hear her laugh. "Becasuse I love you." I wispered softy in her ear. Then Sarah let out a mornful howl sighing that she is becomeing a rouge and just like that my angle change into a golden wolf with red sticks showing donmanice I cant belive she can change for the firts time with no pain I watched her run to the unknow but towerd the howl. I look at alpha-Eathen he looked at me. "I told you that this would happen you you choses the whore over your mate." I said. "Don't talk about my mate that way." He growld "She isnt your mate she is as weck as a dead mouse the one who just ran off is a alpha female she is the one with the power." I grlowd back. "Cody go after Ruby." I order Cody. Just to make sure nothing happen."We here to talk about rouges not my love life." He said. "Well you mate just beacome one. Your best fighter just left you." I said getting pissit off becasue he countied to growl at me. I looked at Roe he looked at me I nod indactiong that if it countuions he has my permission to knock his dumbass out. He smiled "Well she was a slut." Dani the whore. "No you are the slut I am very close to Sarah's family infact I clam them as my own so watch your mouth your talking about the roley family!" I yelled. Sarah and I grew up togther and was like my sister I lover and protced her like she was to she is only three years older then Ruby. My mom is close her mom she help my mom a lot and she helped rasie my brothers and I. Everyone jumped back I looked at them." I will be back tomower and hopeful you all learn how to show respcte to your king." I growled and looked at Roe he nod and we walk into the woods to find my mate and Sarah.

Ruby's POV 

      After I trun into a wolf and took off running to find this girl I smelt Cody close by so I stoped and waited for him to chech up. I saw his black wolf run right past me I laughed well tryed to it sound kind of like I was dying then he slowly walked back. I looked at him he had gray wolf with a little tint of red. And then I toke off running to the sent and when I got there. I could never believe what I saw. Something that will never leave my mind and will change my opinen on everything.

The unloved daughter and the king of wolfs ( under HUGE editingWhere stories live. Discover now