Ch 4

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Ch 4
Part 1

Y/N's pov~
Today I came to a gath to gather because of Aiger as he invited me to have a meet up with some bladers. It was hard to convince Reyansh and others but somehow I managed to get permission. As I reached the place I heard of beys clashing each other. It was a small resturant+house. But I went to the backside of the house or restaurant as I followed the sounds of it and I couldn't believe what I saw. The legend Shu Kurenai along with Aiger ,Valt were having a battle. I saw other boys. One has the magenta colour hair while other one had blonde hair. Turning to the other side I saw two more blonds with lollipop in their mouths along with another blond with green eyes. Moreover the famous Hiazashi brothers were also there. I was speechless to see them but then came to senses when a boy pulled me by my waist and put a hand over my mouth while dragging me somewhere. "Mm..mmm." I tried my best to call out but failed.
Aigers' pov~
"" "huh? Did u hear something guys?" I asked others as they gave me a confused look. "No!" Valt said while looking around. "Oh! Maybe it's just I'm tired" i said"yeah you should rest. We all have been practicing for a long time now!" Shu said
"Mmmhmm.. Anyways today I even invited y/n but she didn't come till now. She said she'll be coming though. Where's she?" I exclaimed with a worry tone. "Y/N? Do u mean Y/N l/n. The champion of c/n?" Shu asked." Yeah" I said .. " I guess she won't be able to come. " Valt said. "Yeah you're right! But I wanted y'all to meet her" I said with a sadden tone . "It's alright. Next time we shall meet her for sure! Now let's go inside" Valt said as I nodded and went inside with others.
On the other hand
"Pl-please! L-let me g-go." Y/N cried as the stranger slapped you and said "Shut up! Such a beauty as well as cutie. you only belong to me and no one else. So you will be staying with me here . From now on we'll be happily staying and enjoy our moments togather here"

"N-no pl-please. Le-let me g-go" Y/N said but he didn't listen to you and dragged you to a room filled with darkness. He pushed you inside harshly make your head hit the floor hard making it bleed . "Ahh" Y/N exclaimed with tears but he just shut the door.
"Pl-please! Someone ." Y/N wished for someone to come soon.

No one's Pov ~
" AIGER AKABANE!" a loud voice echoed through the forest as well as grabbing the attention of the bladers. They quickly came out of the house only to see a black haired guy with red eyes raging with pure anger. "WHERE'S SHE?" He asked
"Calm down! And who are you?" Aiger asked.
"It's no time for the fuc'n introductions. We hella want our answer. Where's she?" Another boy with headphones asked with pure angry tone as the previous one.
" what are you talking about? Who is "she" you're referring to?" Valt asked from behind
"Oh really! You, Aiger Akabane invited our Y/n to your house. Didn't you?" A Orange haired boy asked in the same tone but calmly.
"Yeah! But she didn't come" Aiger replied
"What!" The trio exclaimed in a sync.
"Yeah I indeed invited her but she never came" Aiger said as he asked " But who're y'all? And what happened to y/n?"
"Sh*t ! If she's not with you then where's she?" Reyansh said as he fell on the ground on his knees with his hands on his head.
"Listen I don't know what it is but if it's something bad about Y/n, then I will definitely help you!" Aiger said.
"We don't know what's going on here but if u want we all can help too!" The crimson blader exclaimed.
Reyansh's POV ~
I nodded as I told them that y/n came here for today. But she never met them. I swear I'll make the world upside down if something bad happens to her. I told them we should separate and search. I along with the crimson blader non other than the legend Shu Kurenai went together. While searching we came accross a house a house nearest to the Hiazashi brothers home. I saw a strange guy enter the house. Suddenly Shu came over to me showing a handkerchief which was on the ground at the entrance of that guy's house. I knew it belonged to her as I snatched it from him. "Shu! I need your help!"

Shu followed me as we both nodded and seperated. I went to the door knocking to grab the guy's attention inside. A boy of my age came out. "Hey! Actually you know I'm a little lost could you help me with some directions?" I faked my question for shu to easily get in.
Shu's pov~
"Why am I doing this?" I asked myself " I didn't even see her face and came to her rescue. What the hell do I wanna do?" I said while flipping my hair with my hand. "Alright! Lest go" I quickly but without making a sound explored the ground floor but didn't find anything. I then saw some stairs to the first floor. I quickly went up and came accross a room. It was locked from outside. I opened it but the room was completed dark. I switched on my phone's flashlight and soon saw a girl unconsciously leaning against the wall. Her head was bleeding and she was shivering from coldness. She was beautiful. But it was not time to think of that. I quickly took off my coat and covered her body with it. I then carried her out in a bridal style.
"Ig she's the one your talking about Reyansh" I said while walking down towards him. "Huh? HEY who are you? And she's mine who're you to break in someone's house? I'll call the police!" The boy said. As I smirked and said" sure do and also let them know you kidnapped a girl."
"Y-you" he was about to say something while backing away but Reyansh quickly turned him around to face him by his collar and punched his face real hard. "Dare to harm her! See the result " I could sense his aura becoming completely evil as I watched him beat the person. I wanted to stop him and a part of me didn't allow. I wanted the person who hurt y/n to suffer. It was like I had a long relation with her from a long time even though if it's the first time I met her . "Y/N . Other then Reyansh and the two boys I promise to protect you! Even if I have to go against someone" I whispered in her ear and secretly kissed her lips while she was peacefully and warmly unconscious in my arms.

End of part 1

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