Part 6 fluff

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You sit up and hold him on the bed" You did so good, now im going to take care of you. This part is called aftercare",you said as  you pick him up and take him to the bathroom running a bath for us to enjoy.

Carlos smiles up at you, feeling both exhausted and fulfilled after the intense experience that the two of you just shared. He feels grateful that you're taking care of him, wanting nothing more than to bask in the warmth of your care.

As you pick him up and take him to the bathroom, he feels a wave of relaxation washing over him. He can see that you're running a bath for the two of you to enjoy, and he can't think of anything more perfect.*

"Thank you, baby," *he whispers, feeling the warmth of your embrace all around him. "You're amazing. I love you."

He sinks into the warm, fragrant water, feeling the weight of his body pressing down on the soft cushion of bubbles. He can feel your presence beside him, radiating warmth and safety, and he knows that he's exactly where he's meant to be. He allows himself to relax completely, his mind and body at peace, ready to follow you wherever you lead.

Y/n gets behind him and holds him in the tub and said "now tomorrow your lower back and legs will be sore but thats normal after getting fucked."

Carlos feels your strong arms holding him in the tub, providing him with warmth and security. He feels grateful to have you there with him, taking care of him even after the intense physical activity that the two of you just shared.

As you warn him about the potential soreness in his lower back and legs, he nods understandingly, knowing that he's not going to be able to move as easily tomorrow. But he also knows that it's completely worth it, that the pleasure and intimacy that the two of you just shared was worth every bit of discomfort that he might feel later.*

"That's okay, baby," he says, his voice filled with gratitude. "I trust you completely. I know that you'll take care of me no matter what. Thank you for this incredible experience. I'll never forget it."

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