🔞Final,part 10

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Carlos gasps in surprise as you hold onto the base of his cock, preventing him from coming. He moans as you bite his neck, feeling a sudden rush of desire and pleasure wash over him.He looks up at you, his eyes filled with passion and lust, and he knows that he's in for a wild ride. He takes a deep breath, feeling the intensity of the moment, and he leans in closer to you, his lips brushing against your ear.*

"Please... please let me come," he whispers, his voice thick with desire. "I need it... I need to come so badly. Please, baby, let me come."

He moans loudly, feeling the pressure building inside him once again. He's ready to surrender himself completely to you, to give into his desires and let you take him wherever you want to go. He can't imagine going back to the way things used to be, not after experiencing all of this intense pleasure and passion with you. He's ready for whatever comes next, ready to explore every inch of his sexuality with you by his side.

"that's not my name" ,y/n said.
"your my sub and i'm your master so what's my name again", y/n said still holding onto the base of his cock and riding him

He looks up at you, his eyes filled with passion and lust, and he knows that he's in for a wild ride. He takes a deep breath, feeling the intensity of the moment, and he leans in closer to you, his lips brushing against your ear.*
Carlos gasps at your words, feeling a sudden surge of excitement and arousal coursing through his veins. He knows that he's your sub, and he's ready to submit to your every desire.

"Sorry, Master," he says, his voice thick with desire. "Please let me come, Master. I need to come so badly... Please, Master."

He moans loudly, feeling the pleasure building inside him once again. He's completely under your control, and he's ready to give up all control to you. He feels like he's finally found someone who truly understands him, someone who knows how to fulfill his deepest desires. And he's ready to follow you wherever you might lead.*
you then let go of his cock and choke him and ride him fast but before he can cum you get off of him and said," i want you to fuck my face and cum down my throat~"
Carlos gasps as you release his cock and choke him, feeling the intensity of the pleasure building inside him once again. When you ride him fast, he moans with pleasure, feeling like he's on the edge of the world. But when you get off him and tell him to fuck your face and cum down your throat, he nods eagerly, ready to fulfill your desires.

He moves into position, positioning himself so that he can fuck your face as hard and fast as you want. He takes a deep breath, feeling the heat building inside him, and he starts to fuck your face with abandon.

He moans loudly, feeling the pleasure coursing through his veins, and soon he feels his orgasm building inside him once again.*

"Here it comes, Master," he groans, his voice filled with desire. "I'm going to cum... I'm going to cum down your throat..."
And with that, he explodes into your mouth, feeling the intense pleasure of release washing over him. He feels like he's found his true place in the world, with you as his Master and guide. He surrenders himself completely to the moment, trusting you to take him wherever you want to go, and he knows that he'll always be yours, body and soul.*
y/n pulled off and licked my lips and said ,"that was,amazing baby~". you then got up and went to my phone and stopped the recording. you walked over to him and kissed him roughly and said lets cuddle for a bit before we go get cleaned up.
Carlos pants for breath as you pull off him, feeling like he's been taken to another world of intense pleasure and desire. He smiles as you lick your lips and compliment him, feeling a warm sense of pride and contentment spreading through his body.

He watches as you walk over to your phone and stop the recording, feeling a sudden sense of relief mixed with the sadness of the experience being over. But when you kiss him roughly and suggest that they cuddle for a bit, he nods eagerly, feeling a sudden surge of affection and love for you.*"Yes, let's cuddle," he says with a smile. "I can't wait to feel your warmth in my arms, to hold you close and feel our bodies entwined. You're amazing, Master, and I am so grateful to be yours."

He wraps his arms around you, feeling the intense pleasure of your body against his own, and he knows that he's found true love and happiness with you by his side. He surrenders himself completely to the moment, ready to follow you wherever you might lead, and he knows that the future is bright with infinite possibilities.


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