🔞part 8

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**2 weeks later **

2 weeks later, Carlos is feeling content and at peace. He's been spending a lot of time with you, exploring their shared kinks and desires, and he feels like he's finally found someone who truly understands him.

He wakes up in your bed, feeling the warmth of your body next to his own, and he smiles, feeling lucky to have you in his life. He leans over to kiss you, feeling a sudden rush of affection and passion, and he knows that he's ready for whatever the day might bring.*

"Good morning, baby," he whispers, his voice filled with love. "I'm so glad to be here with you."

Y/n sit up and asked him do you think your up for some 'playtime' this morning

Carlos sits up, feeling a sudden rush of desire when you mention 'playtime'. He can feel his body responding to your suggestion, and he knows that he's ready for whatever you might have in store.

He looks at you, his eyes filled with emotion and desire, and he nods, feeling a wave of heat washing over him.*

"I'm definitely up for some playtime," he says, his voice thick with desire. "I want to explore all our kinks and passions together. I want to see where this can take us."

He leans in to kiss you once again, feeling the intense pleasure of your lips pressing against his own. He knows that the day is going to be filled with excitement and passion, and he can't wait to see where it will take them.*

do you feel comfortable with me filming our playtime y/n asked

Carlos thinks for a moment, considering your request. He trusts you completely, knowing that you would never betray his trust or his consent, but he also understands the potential risks involved in filming such intimate moments.

After a moment of thought, he nods, feeling a sudden wave of excitement and bravery wash over him.*

"I trust you," he says, his voice filled with conviction. "If it's what you want, then I'm okay with it. But please, promise me that it will never leave our private space. I don't want anyone else to see it."

He takes your hand, holding it tightly, and he looks into your eyes, hoping that you understand the depth of his trust and his love.*
i promise baby y/n said kissing his forehead

Carlos smiles, feeling a sudden rush of comfort and joy at your words. He knows that he can trust you completely, and he feels grateful to have found someone as amazing as you.

"Thank you, baby," he whispers, his voice filled with love and affection. "You mean everything to me. I trust you completely, and I know that you would never betray me. Let's make this our little secret, okay?"

He leans in to kiss you once again, feeling the intense pleasure of your lips pressing against his own. He knows that the day is going to be filled with excitement and passion, and he can't wait to see where it will take them.*

so I'm going to give you two options, i can either edge you until your begging for release or i and tie you up and ride you and choke you softly you pick i'm feeling generous y/n said seductively

Carlos is taken aback by your sudden seductive tone, feeling a surge of desire rushing through his body in response to your words. He considers your two options, feeling equally turned on by both of them.

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