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It was the last night.

The last night you'd be with Vanessa and the last night that you wouldn't be alone once again. It was the last time and you were terrified. You had sort of planned a mini confession, just to tell her how you truly felt. If she shut you down, you wouldn't ever have to see her again.

"You're really quiet today." Vanessa comments, driving down a quiet road that we usually only see three or four cars drive down each night. Your eyes drift to her, she didn't seem her happy self either this evening.

"Tired, I guess." You mentioned, looking back out to the road, sighing lightly. Evening patrol felt like nothing in the autumn and winter months, more people just want to stay inside rather than party at ten at night like they do in the summer. Some part of you loved the peace and some part of you hated it since it just made you feel more alone.

"I'm going to go check Freddy's. It's been a while." She says quietly, you nod, unsure if she even saw your agreement. It had been a while since you both had gone to Freddy's, partly because the last time you were there, you had a massive panic over the dead bodies that were there. Seeing nothing on the news, you wondered if Vanessa had even called it in or if they were still there.

She parked up quickly and proceeded to go ahead, you following close behind as she fiddled to get the gates open. It was only eleven so you still had another hour until Mike was here for his shift. Entering, you closed the door behind you and watched as the lights blinked and flickered as usual.

"This place never fails to get scarier every time I come here." You whispered, placing a small bag on the desk that used to be a reward counter, it was full of things like radios, tasers, you even snuck your gun in there after what happened last time.

"I know." Was all that Vanessa replied as she looked at some hand drawn pictures on the board, her eyes scanning one particular picture, one with a yellow rabbit in the middle with lots of children playing around it. The memory of those children flooded back, you stepped away to stop yourself from tearing up. Instead you looked at the prizes they used to give out.

Hidden underneath a box was a small drawing that you recognised vaguely. Turning it around, your first name and the date: 17th May 1983, was written on the back. Turning it around again, you failed to recognise what exactly you were trying to draw, maybe children playing? You were never the best artist. Why had your drawing been under here and none of the other children's? You checked and it was only yours. You shrugged lightly as you placed it aside.

Looking up, you watched as Vanessa pulled both of the curtains open, revealing the four animatronics. You pretty much stopped breathing as they started to move, looking around. Obviously, you started to think you were having hallucinations but seeing Vanessa lean against the bottom of the stage, watching them, it was less likely. Suddenly, Abby and Mike entered. Your heart sank when you saw Abby, it felt like it had dropped to the floor. Why was she here? She shouldn't be here!

"Guys I'm back!" She said, running to the animatronics. Your eyes shifted to Vanessa who turned around in quite a lot of shock but tried to hide it. You made eye contact, both of you sharing quite terrified looks that you couldn't just shake off. Why the hell would Mike bring a child here? Sure it used to be a fun place for kids to play and eat but now, it was haunted - or something like it. Not to mention, the bodies that you had seen in that room the other day. You took a deep breath. "Hey, Vanessa!" She quickly said, running onto the stage.

"Mike... Why is she here?" You mumbled, making sure only him and Vanessa could hear. Mike sighed quietly and looked at you, a guilty look in his eyes, he knew he shouldn't have brought her here, especially with seven feet animatronics that could easily crush her walking around.

Born To Die | Vanessa AftonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat