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Today was a busy day, to say that was an understatement, it was the most hectic day you had in a while. It was Christmas day and you found yourself taking down the tree and shoving all of your presents for other people into a bag. It had been two months since the incident and you still never failed to see Vanessa in the hospital. She was always unconscious, and you knew she couldn't hear you. By now, you lost hope.

However, things were about to change. Around a month ago, you had gotten into contact with your cousin, someone who you had met a couple times during family events and special occasions when your parents were around and luckily, she had been able to secure you a job at the police department in California. Even better, it's a higher rank and a higher paying job. With only Mike and Abby here who you care about (and who you can talk to), your best option was to move to California.

Sure, it was a massive risk, but this town had you wrapped up into its conspiracies and you had your memories. The worst one being that after you had taken Abby and Mike home, you had to discard of their Aunt, Jane's, body. Traumatising wasn't even the word for it as you were scrubbing the carpet with all sorts of chemicals to get the blood out. Mike was at a pretty low place after that and Abby was worse. You needed a fresh start.

The phone rang loudly throughout the house as you ran all over the place to gather your stuff. You answered it quickly to your cousin asking if you were all ready. You sighed and looked to the mess of your living room. "Yeah," You had answered to her, "I just need to make a few stops then I'll be at the airport." You said confidently. After the short lecture on driving safe, you were on your way.

First stop was Mike's house. At first, you almost decided to drive straight past, but you just couldn't. You walked up to the house, two presents in your hand as you knocked on the door. Mike answered, a small smile rested on his face. "Just thought I'd come give these to you and Abby." You said, passing him the two boxes, to which he gladly accepted.

"Why don't you come in for a drink or something?" He had asked, making you look down for a moment.

"I.. I can't. I'm on my way to the airport." You sheepishly admitted to him, he stood for a moment, just silent. "I'm moving to California."

"What?" He just said, staring at you and looking for any signs of a joke. "You can't just leave! What about us? What about Vanessa?" He questioned quickly but you couldn't respond. It was true, you were being quite selfish. Mike went back inside, closing the door pretty much in your face as you stood there, unable to speak.

You got back into your car, half regretting your decision, but you couldn't turn back now. The last place was the hospital.

You entered the hospital room, your whole head feeling fuzzy as you came forward. It always made you feel the same way, no matter how many times you had visited her. The bare room made you feel worse since other patients always had lots of balloons and cards, Vanessa only had two cards on the desk. You place a third there, a Christmas card, even though it wasn't ever likely that she would read it. Taking a deep breath, you took one last good look at her, squeezing her hand in yours.

"I love you." You managed to whisper, kissing her hand gently. "I'm sorry I let this happen." You said, she couldn't hear you, why were you apologising? Stepping back, you released her hand, tears streaming down your cheeks. Then, you left.

2 weeks later

"Did you call her?"

"Yeah, no answer."

"Try to get through, I just want to let her know that she's awake."

If only you had stayed.

Maybe you should come back?

Born To Die | Vanessa AftonWhere stories live. Discover now