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It was a silent night snd you only had an hour left of your shift, you were glad it was peaceful since it gave you a moment to think over everything that happened. Sure, you had days to think about what had happened and what Vanessa had confessed but it hadn't properly sunk in. There was also the lingering thought that there could be more to it. While in your thoughts, a lady waved to you from the side of the road, signalling for you to pull over. As you did, you saw the confused but fear-filled look on her face.

"The... the house across the road." The lady had said as you exited out the car. Looking to where she was pointing, you recognised it as Mike's house and your stomach immediately dropped. Mike was at work, Abby and her babysitter, you assumed her aunt, were the only ones home. You looked back at the shaken lady for a bigger explanation on why Mike's house was an issue. She gulped, "I saw a woman collapse- some big bear took a girl... I'm not crazy I swear."

"It's fine, I'll check on the house, why don't you go back inside." You mentioned to the poor lady. She nodded and rushed back into her house as you crossed the road. The first thought that came into your mind was the vision you had weeks ago, the rabbit, who you now know was Vanessa's father, taking the kids. Was the same happening to Abby? You couldn't let that happen, not again. Trying to slow your breathing, you knocked loudly on the door. "Jane?" You called out, no answer.

Going around to the window, you peered in, the lights were all on but a lifeless body of a blonde woman lay on the floor next to the couch. Tears welled up as you feared for Abby. You just hoped she was safe, it was very unlikely she was in there because of what the woman had seen. Taking a shaky breath, you tried to open the door and to your surprise, it was locked. Maybe Abby was in there after all. Frantically, you searched around the front of the house, eventually finding a spare key under the mat in the most obvious place. Once the place was unlocked, you searched the house but there was no Abby in sight.

You ran over to the body on the floor, now you could see the blood that stained the carpet. It was clearly a head injury. Searching for a pulse of some sign that she was still alive, the phone rang. For a moment, you considered not answering it, it could literally be anyone. But it could be Mike and you did need to tell him if Abby went missing. You stood up, your hands covered with blood as you picked up the phone. With a shy voice, you answered, "Hello?"

"Y/n? Is Abby there?" Vanessa voice made more panic run through your veins, her voice was also frantic. What had happened? You peered over to the dead body once again and started to tell yourself to just man up and say something.

"Her babysitter's dead and she's nowhere in sight. Some lady said she saw a bear take her I'm going to call the body in-."

"No! You can't."

"Vanessa- shes fucking dead! I can't just leave her-." You said, your voice cracking as your eyes were unable to leave Jane's lifeless body.

"I'll sort it out. I need you to come here and help me, do you have a medical kit on you?" you nodded even though she couldn't see you through the phone.

"Yes..." You mumbled, you weren't sure if she heard you at first because of your volume but she began talking you through where she was and told you that Mike really needed your help. Even though you were still extremely mad at this woman, you agreed to everything and was on your way in no time.

You arrived at this old police base and immediately let yourself in, your emergency medical kit in your arms. When Vanessa saw you, she immediately hugged you without a warning before taking the supplies and running off, you followed her. Mike was lying on one of the beds, unconscious. "Holy shit! What happened?"

"I found him outside Freddy's. I think they attacked him." Vanessa explained vaguely as she started to patch up his bandages.

"Do you think-." You started but Vanessa knew exactly what you were hinting at.

Born To Die | Vanessa AftonWhere stories live. Discover now