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You went through the side of the building, being as silent as you could, your gun was out as you were literally pointing it at every little thing that you thought moved. Your hands shook violently and your legs felt like jelly as you walked through the building. Then, the silence was broken, looking behind you, the massive yellow rabbit was there.

The suit had marks on it, from all sorts, burns, grazes, time, your whole body shook as you squealed, not knowing what to do in this situation. God, you didn't even know if it was a real person or an animatronic. "Who do we have here?" The rabbit asked simply, tilting its head to the side at your shaken complexion. "It doesn't matter."

After stating that simple message, he ran at you and literally pushed you over, making you hit the hard concrete wall with your head. Your vision spun as you watched him walked up to you, study your dazed state before turning to the main entrance. "I'll deal with you later." With that, he was gone. Out the corner of your eye you watched as the rabbit attacked Mike, him clearly winning.

You managed to sit up, your head was still spinning as you managed to crawl to your gun, only to find it smashed, he had fucking broken it! You had nothing to defend yourself with now, what were you going to do, punch him?

As you were getting your vision back and your head had started to feel a little bit better, the situation had gotten a lot worse. Mike was on the floor, passed out, and the massive rabbit was facing Vanessa with a knife. You needed to do something, but nothing came to mind, you started to get up, but your legs immediately collapsed, how hard did he push you?

Finally, you stood up and ran around the place to get to Mike without going through the whole mess. When you had gotten there, Abby was shaking him, crying and screaming for him to wake up. Mike told Abby something that went one ear and out the other for you as you watched a now unmasked William Afton, knock the gun out of Vanessa's hand.

"You okay?" You asked Mike, crouching down and helping him sit up as you watched the chaos unfold in the background. When William started to choke Vanessa, you tried to go after him but Mike held you back. "Mike! Let go! Let go of me."

"You're going to get yourself killed." He said as he was holding onto your waist with all his strength as you fought against him. You didn't care if you died, you just couldn't let her die, she was the one thing you cared for most, you would rather die than her. As Abby ran past, his grip loosened slightly and you took a breath of relief but still tried to get out of Mike's hold.

You watched as Abby placed a new drawing, showing the children what actually happened. Willaim let go of her and your struggling stopped so Mike let go of you. Vanessa grabbed the hand that William held the knife in, telling him that she's going to stop him. Mike ran off into the rooms you came from as you stood up.

Then time stopped for you. He stabbed Vanessa. You watched as she collapsed to the floor. Now, without Mike holding you back, you ran over to her. "Vanessa. Stay awake, please," You begged, you cried as you put pressure on her wound and it made everything else around you fade away. You probably wouldn't even realise if you were stabbed yourself.

While Mike and Abby did what they did to stop the children's violent killing sprees, you sat there, watching as your clothes and hands were stained with blood as you used different things to try to hold the blood in. Mike tapped your shoulder, making you jump. He was injured extremely bad as well, holding the wall to keep himself up. "Come on, we have to go."

Born To Die | Vanessa AftonWhere stories live. Discover now