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Mike could barely walk on his own and Abby was so small that her trying to help made no difference. Vanessa had collapsed into your arms completely and trying to carry her was becoming a massive task to you since she quite heavy but you were determined to get them both to the hospital. "Abs, sit in the front." You commented softly, it would be really suspicious if Mike sat there because of his condition. She nodded without any question and sat in the front of the car.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Mike asked, wincing at the pain in his side as he got into the car himself.

"Tell me if anything changed with Vanessa, her breathing, her bleeding, even if she's moving," you said. It felt so odd putting her in the back of your car, unconscious. You should have rung an ambulance but how were you going to explain that her child killing father stabbed her trying to turn Abby snd possibly everyone else into animatronics and stuff you all into suits. Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. Plus, you really couldn't afford it now everyone was injured. At least Abby only came out with a few scratches. He nodded, clearly exhausted from today.

The drive was silent, by silent, you mean no one talked. There were small whimpers escaping Abby's mouth as if she was trying to stay strong for her brother as well as the animatronics that she somewhat called her friends, Mike was clearly in pain, holding his side with blood covering his hand. The only silent one was Vanessa, who was the one person who you didn't want to be silent.

You should be pissed, you should be so mad for what she's done and what she's dragged you in, but you forgave her already, you just wanted her to be okay and for her to live. Parking was a nightmare. It was a nightmare and you couldn't get anywhere close to the hospital. Then, you saw a car pull out that was right in front of the hospital. You told Abby to stay in the car as you ran in, running up to the surprisingly empty desk. "My- My car, it's out front. I have a woman with a stab wound, she's unconscious, and a man with gashes literally everywhere."

"Alright, I'll call it in." You nodded but went back to the car, you were so terrified. Within minutes, both Vanessa and Mike were gone. Of course Mike protested but he was in a bad state, it was shown by all the blood stains in the car. It looked like a crime scene. Abby exited the car.

"I'm scared." She said from next to you. Looking down, she was crying. The poor girl also had splashes of blood on her clothes. You bent down, took your hands in hers. They were shaking, covered in all sorts, in any other situation you would be disgusted.

"It's all going to be fine, I promise. Do you want to go wait in the waiting room?" You asked it as if it was an option, where else would you go? She nodded and followed you into the waiting room before you both sat at the back. The lady came up to you from behind the desk and handed you some wipes.

"Do you two want anything?" The lady asked the both of you. Part of you knew that it was just because you were an on duty police officer - well you looked like one, the police uniform, the blood, the child next to you who probably looked like you were looking after her.

"I'm fine. Abby, do you want some water?" You questioned, seeing that she was a little out of it right now. She snapped out of it and nodded to the lady, you managed to force a small smile as she walked off. "Pass me your hands." And so she did, you took a wipe and started to clean off the dirt, blood and whatever was on her hands and her arms, you also wiped the dirt off her face, revealing a few little scratches, it wasn't deep enough to need attention, it probably wouldn't leave a little scar.

As you cleaned your hands, the receptionist came back and handed Abby some water and put a few snack choices next to her all with different dietary requirements since she probably looked pale. She then looked to you, "Can I talk to you for a moment?" You nodded and followed her over a few meters away from Abby so she couldn't hear. She passed you a piece of paper, "Can you write down the woman's name."

Without another question, you wrote Vanessa but then paused. Should you put Shelly or Afton? Eventually, you wrote Afton, at some point she would have been an Afton, right? You passed the paper back. "Is she okay?" You choked out.

"I mean- From what I've heard, she's stable but isn't waking up. It's too early to say but the wound is quite wide and she lost a lot of blood. I'll update you when I can." You nodded before she continued. "Mr Schmidt is doing very well on the other hand. After some stitches, he should be fine."

"Thank you." You muttered before going to sit back down. A sigh escaped your mouth as Abby nibbled on some food. You couldn't imagine what she must be feeling right now. "Mike just needs some stitches, he's going to be fine."

"What about Vanessa?" She asked with a sniffle. Your eyes swelled up with tears once again. You couldn't bring yourself to lie to her.

"I think she'll be fine." You said, your voice cracking. "I hope she will be." You muttered quietly.

"Me too." Abby whispered and leaned on your arm. She had only taken a few little bites out of her food but she seemed exhausted. She also probably felt sick and queasy from all the gore. Carefully, you took off your jacket and put it around Abby's arms carefully as she sunk into you more.

At least Mike's going to be fine, right?

Born To Die | Vanessa AftonWhere stories live. Discover now