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Since it was Erica's and your one year anniversary today, Erica wanted to go something special. "Okay, Isaac, I need you and everyone else to get Y/n out of the house today and make sure she doesn't come back until about 6:30-ish, okay?" Erica inquired. "Yep, sure thing, but what should we do?" Isaac asked. "Anything and everything." Erica said, grabbing pots and pans.

You were at Scott's house trying to figure out what to do or what to get Erica. "Well, why don't you just get her a plant?" Scott questioned. "A plant?! Really Scott?" You said walking around the room. "It has to be perfect." You said while running your hand through your hair.

Erica is currently running around a grocery store for ingredients for (your favorite food). After a while, she finally got everything and broke the speed limit racing home to cook. "Okay, I got this." She said nervously. She was never able to cook without burning something. Whether that's food or the house nobody knew. But she was willing to do anything for Y/n.

"I GOT IT!" You said leaping up from your spot on the couch startling everyone around you. "What, what, what do you got Y/n?" Isaac said, chasing you around. He was given orders to watch you, and Erica was not one to cross. "I know what to get, Erica!" You said waiting for Isaac to catch up to you. "Okay, where's the first sto- wait no I wanna drive. You go drive too fast." Isaac said while taking the keys from you. "Okay, fine." You said, getting into the passenger side of your car.

"Okay, I'm doing pretty good so far!" Erica beamed talking to herself. She turned to get a drink of water for ONE second, and the curtains were on fire. "OH MY GOSH!" she said, getting flour to pit the fire out. "Well, at least it wasn't the food." Erica mumbled, stuffing the charred curtains into the trash.

As soon as Isaac parked the car, you went running into the store, grabbing a shopping cart. "Okay, I'll just wait here." Isaac said, heading to the scarf department. It'd been 45 minutes, and you finally finished picking everything out only to find Isaac in the other checkout lane with two full bags of scarfs. "Really?" you said sarcastically, putting your things on the conveyer belt.

"It's fine she'll never notice that the curtains are missing." Erica explained to herself. It was about 5:30 and basically everything was done. "Okay, now I can set the table." Erica said as she put some flowers in a vase.

"You went shopping without me!?" Lydia said dramatically. "Sorry Lyds, it was a last-minute thing, and besides, it's for Erica." You said dumping everything out on Isaac's bed. "Well, you gotta tell me what you got, at least." Lydia said, plopping herself down on the bed. "Well, I got her this black and red summer-style dress, these pretty rose gold sunglasses, the truffles that she loves, and her favorite coffee shop gift certificate!" You said as you fold everything together. "Ooo, she'll love it!" Isaac walks in saying "Okay let's go back to your house. " "Okay, sound good."

Erica walks back into the kitchen in the dress that you always liked on her. "Okay, she'll love it. This is fine." Erica said as she organized the table a little more. Then you and Issac walk in. Except you were blindfolded to make it more of a surprise. "Ooo, it smells so good in here!" You say as you trip over your shoes that you just took off. "All right, imma head out." Isaac said, turning on his heel. "Thanks!" Erica said, taking the blindfold off of you. "Happy anniversary, Y/n!" Erica said as you saw your (favorite meal). "Happy anniversary!" You said brushing your lips against hers. "I got you this." You said giving her the wrapped gift. She opens the gift and squeals. "You got my favorite truffles!" She said while eating one. "Ooo om gon a put this dress on right now!" She says, running out of the room. "Y/n you shouldn't have!" She says as she runs back into the room with the dress and sunglasses on. "Well, whether I shouldn't have or should've you look amazing!"

You both sit down to eat, but somethings off. "Hey, what happened to the curtains?" You asked already, knowing what happened. "Uh funny you should ask that but surprise! We get to go curtain shopping!" She says, laughing with you. "Thank you so much, Erica. I love you so much!"I love you too, Y/n.

Okay, I'm on a bridge right now, and I HATE bridges. But uhh thx for reading!

Erica Reyes x reader one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora