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You broke into a sprint in the crisp cool night air to get away from the kanima. You didn't have anywhere to go because your entire family was killed by none other than Kate Argent. "I can't go to Derek's because he doesn't have any room, I can't go to Scott's or stiles's houses because I'm not that great friend with them." You thought to yourself. "Erica." You whisper to yourself as you continue running down the disgusting ally ways.

"Why is this thing still chasing me?" You questioned yourself. "Fine, I've had enough of this." You said as you turn around with your eyes glowing an electric yellow. You lash out with your claws swiftly hitting it right in the stomach. But not before it could take a swipe at your chest. Your vision blurred in a white tint. "Why didn't it paralyze me?" You thought to yourself as you took another swing at the kanima. It suddenly ran the other direction, leaping onto a roof into the night.

"Okay, just a little bit further." You assured yourself as you turn onto Erica's street. As you walk up the front steps, your vision was slowly fading. You slump against the door in an attempt to knock. "Y/n!" Erica said as she looked at your disheveled state. "I'm sorry, I had nowhere else to go." You said as you passed out.

"Y/n." You faintly heard. "Y/nnn." You then again heard as you opened your eyes to the blinding daylight. "What's going on?" You questioned, trying to ignore the searing headache in the middle of your head. "Y/n! What happened." Erica asked urgently. "Are you okay?" She asked with distress lacing in her voice. You look down to see that the claw marks have healed over. "I'll survive. How long was I out?" You questioned now, noticing that you were now in Erica's bed. "Only a couple hours." Erica said, slowly calming down. "I'll get you some water." She said as she walked out of the room, not waiting for your response.

"I walked out of the shop, and the kanima was on the roof, like it was waiting for me." You recalled. "It chased me down the street, and I decided to turn around and fight it, then, it ran off."That's strange, I'll have to tell derek." Erica said. "Do you remember what you said before you passed out when you got here?" Erica questioned. "No, why?" "You said that you had nowhere else to go." Erica recited. "Oh." You said, trying to remember that moment. "I mean, if you didn't want me to come he-" you tried to say before Erica cut you off. "I'm absolutely flattered that you came here." She replied.

Well, that's that. I got bored. Thx for reading!

Erica Reyes x reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now