Touch starved

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You and your family weren't the lovey-dovey, here's a free hug type of family. So as you grew up, you became very touch starved. And your girlfriend Erica was the exact opposite. She was always touching you in some way, whether that be a hug or just holding hands, that what she thrived on.

At first, it was a little overwhelming. Having her hug you or cuddle you because you weren't exactly used to it. Then, you began to thrive on it.

"Could you play with my hair?" You questioned Erica as you both sat watching TV. "Of course." Erica said without hesitation. "Can I have a hug?" You asked, finally gaining enough confidence. Erica swiftly and strongly snaked her arms around you, tackling you to the bed. "I've just forgotten what it feels like to be loved." You said after a while. "Well, I'll be here to love you until you don't want me to." Erica assured.

"You are now obligated to hug me forever." You said, almost falling asleep. "Deal." Erica said, cuddling into you.

Well, that one was short, but thx for reading! Does anyone have any ideas or requests? Because I'm open to any.

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