🎧She catches you listening to her solo album🎧

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You were on your home office with your headphones on while tapping the desk at the melody of the music. Seulgi just released her solo album a couple of days ago and you've been obsessed ever since.

You're really happy for her. You've experienced first hand of how busy and stressed she's been, going back and forth to the studio, recording, vlogs and different contents for this album and you couldn't be more proud of her.

All those days she's left the house early in the morning and returned late midnight finally payed off. She's exhausted, but couldn't be more excited that finally Luvies will be able to listen to her solo music and enjoy this new side of her as a soloist and as a member of Red Velvet.

You were singing parts of the song you knew while bopping your head. You really love her voice. She's just so amazing. You have to admit that this album is just a masterpiece. You were so into the music that you didn't hear when Seulgi entered the house and started calling for you.

"Y/n! I'm home! Today was such a busy day! But it's all worth it! Ready for the movie night?"

Seulgi said while taking of her shoes on the doorstep, but frowned when you didn't reply. She looks up and doesn't find you in the living room.

"Y/n? Where are you?"

She checks the kitchen and doesn't see you there either. She walks up the stairs and enters the bedroom and she just frowns.

She walks out and sees that the light from your office is on and she quickly goes over and opens the door.


She was about to walk over to you, but she stopped when she recognized the song you were singing. A smile spreads widely on her face. After staring at you for a couple of minutes, she goes over to you and takes your headphones off. You were startled.


She giggles.

"I see you like it."

You were confused at first, but the you saw her staring at your phone screen which shows what song you're listening to.

You blushed a bit and nod.

She laughs and kisses your cheek. She then sat beside you and you both listened to the rest of the album and spoke about her time at the studio and did some album reviews. You looked at her with love. You knew you'd do anything for her and if that meant sitting down and listening to her album a thousand times you'd do just that.

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