🗣️You yell at her🗣️

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You and Seulgi just came back to your apartment from a date and now you both were spending the rest of the night watching Netflix. You both were cuddling when suddenly your dog Marley, a golden retriever, decided to jump on you both and make space for himself. You started petting him while Seulgi looked tense. She doesn't like animals, but you don't know why.

"You can pet him if you want."

Seulgi just shook her head.

"I'm good."

You then got up to get a blanket for you both cause it was starting to get chilly. Seulgi was scrolling through her phone when she heard something in the kitchen. She knew you were upstairs so she got up to check. Once she got there, she saw Marley biting on a piece of paper towel that was in the trash can.

"Marley no!"

Seulgi tried to get close, but backed up immediately. She was afraid.

"Marley, please drop it! I'll give you ham!"

Marley just looked at her and continued chewing. This was stressing her out. She got on her knees and tried to take it out herself, but her gaze landed on the dog that was already looking at her so she backed away again. She stood up and just looked at him.

"Why are you just standing there?!?! Take the paper out of his mouth!!"

Y/n said when he saw what was happening in the kitchen. He dropped the blanket on the couch and came sprinting to the kitchen.

"He ain't gon do anything to you! Why are you so afraid!!"

You yelled while getting the piece of paper out of his mouth.

"Paper is bad for dogs you know?! You can't just let him chew on it!"

You looked at Seulgi and that's when you noticed that you might've crossed the line. You saw how her eyes were watering and she ran to the bathroom. That's when you realized that you unconsciously yelled at her. You still didn't think it was a reason to cry over, but then remembered she doesn't like animals so maybe it has to do with it.

You quickly went to the bathroom and knocked.

"Baby, I'm so sorry for yelling at you. Please, open the door. I didn't mean it."

"If you didn't,San it you wouldn't have done it!"

You hear her say from the inside. You sigh.

"Please baby, I'm sorry."

After some minutes she opened the door and passed right by you to sit on the couch. You sat next to her and looked at her.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you baby, but why didn't you help Marley? He could've gotten sick."

You heard her sigh and she looks at you.

"When I was young, I got bitten by our house dog while trying to get a bone out of his mouth."

She showed you the marks she had on her wrist.

"Since then I've been afraid of animals. I'm sorry I couldn't help him."

She says while looking down.

"Why didn't you tell me."

She just shrugs.

"I don't know."

"I can help you lose that fear! Marley is the sweetest dog out there and he loves you."

"I don't think he does."

You call Marley and he comes running towards you.


He does as he's told.

"Try to pet him."

Seulgi hesitantly patted his head and Marley got closer to her. She tensed up a bit, but continued to pet him. He got excited and jumped on her. She screamed and looked at you.

"It's ok! He just wants to play."

Marley licked Seulgi indicating that he wants more of her attention. Seulgi then continued to pet him and got better at it.

"See! I told you he loves you!"

Marley then jumped on the couch and the three of you cuddled together till you all fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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