LNER A1 Pacific - Chapter II

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Clarification: (Y/N) can go by any pronoun(s) which include but are limited to:




Just as Sir Topham Hatt announced, two new engines were bought and were making their way to Sodor. Gordon, being a little snobbish was finally satisfied with no longer being able to shunt his coaches, (Y/N) agreeing along with with their brother. Shunting is simply no responsibility for an express engine and is a large time consumer to simply shunt your coaches to the platform, run to the front of the train, and then be a few minutes late after departure.

Although, the engine to arrive surprised Gordon as he expected the tank engine to be delivered first, but nonetheless, Gordon was amused that another mixed-traffic engine that was much stronger and less feeble than Edward would suffice. Much to say, the Mogul presented in the yards was different and (Y/N) pointed that out.

The baby blue sky was serene with the moderate rays of the sunshine beaming down onto the ballast near Knapford Station was almost heaven-like. (Y/N) has just completed an exhausting morning express service from Knapford to Crovan's Gate, afterward returning to Tidmouth with passengers, they decided to spend their fifteen minute break lying in the sunlight. Even though the yard was bustling with foreman and other railway staff which often disturbed their sleep. However, this was a new record for (Y/N) as they weren't woken up in the past five minutes until an unexpected guest slid into the yard.

(Y/N) was as silent and still as a tree on their comfortable siding, intaking all of the vitamin D he could get. It was simply a rejuvenating experience and the big engine couldn't help, but smile sheepishly in their sleep, however (Y/N)'s snooze would be interrupted by steel wheels clashing and grinding against the steel rails. Despite the big engine not having any ears as big as an elephant, the screeching was so painfully irritating that they opened their eyes and looked to the side to see an engine they haven't seen before.

???: "Here's James!~" An engine said before skidding to stop, sparks flying from his wheels as he stopped beside the big engine resting on a siding.

(Y/N): "You have the nerve to race into the yard at top speed like that."

James: "Relax, no one got hurt or anything."

(Y/N) was about to respond before seeing the livery of the engine beside them.

(Y/N): "Seeing the black livery, I'm assuming you were once a war engine that served in the Great War?"

James: "W-Well.. Yeah, so what if I served in the Great War?" James stammered.

(Y/N): "Just making a speculation, that's all. It's rare to see one, such as yourself in public."

The engine named James, who felt a sense of importance, let this get into this smokebox.

James: "We're quite the war heroes aren't we? Serving on the front line can really change an engine." The Mogul smirked with pride.

James' Affection Level: [🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]

(Y/N) made the best attempt to nod to James' comment. (Y/N) then took a whiff of fresh air to smell something peculiar.

(Y/N): "Do you.. smell something burning? Like a burning smell?" The big engine asked the smaller, mixed-traffic engine in confusion.

James realized that he almost fouled up and attempted to blow the air with some very suspicious behavior being noted by (Y/N).

James: "N-No! Must be your imagination, heh.."

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