LNER A1 Pacific - Chapter III

42 3 1

1927 - May

Ever since Thomas arrived in the yards of Tidmouth, he has been essential in keeping the yards in order. However, he was a cheeky little engine with a lot of innocence. He was quickly learning under Edward's tutelage whenever he visited, but as stated before he was a cheeky shunter. He would constantly play tricks on the big engines, especially Gordon, the biggest and proudest engine of them all.

Whenever (Y/N) or Gordon would sleep in a siding to hopefully get some rest, Thomas would creep behind them slowly before blowing his whistle loudly.

"Peep Peep! Wake up lazybones! Why don't you work hard like me!" And Thomas would run away laughing. (Y/N) could barely get a wink of sleep as the blue tank engine's constant teasing would ruin his power napping schedule. 

By the time, (Y/N) returned to the sheds, it was already nightfall. He spotted Gordon (An LNER A1 Pacific 4-6-2 built at the Doncaster Works in Yorkshire. Gordon possesses the Northwestern Livery of Cerulean with red linings that extended to his boiler, splashers, fowler tender, and cylinders. The most notable feature is the large number four on his tender which is colored in yellow to represent him being the fourth engine bought to the NWR. The A1 locomotives were known for their speed and power, and they were often used for express passenger services on the East Coast Main Line in the United Kingdom) and Henry (An experimental, Green, 4-6-2, Pacific), both trying to ignore James' constant boasting about being in the First World War. 

All the three big engines noticed (Y/N)'s expression as the poor engine puffed wearily onto the turntable.

Gordon: "Dear, sibling... What on earth has happened to you?"

(Y/N): "Thomas.." (Y/N) yawned mid-sentence. "Woke me up from my nap during my resting period.."

Gordon: "That confounding tank engine sometimes gets on my nerves, honestly the nerve of him."

Henry: "Agreed! Upset at me for not being able to 'shunt my own coaches' despite, how much of an issue that would be for me."

James: "He said my brakes were nothing, but a pile of firewood!"

(Y/N); "They are a pile of firewood, Jimmy.."

James: "It's James! Will you ever get it right-"

Gordon: "Enough!" He boomed, averting his eyes to his two cohorts before returning his gaze back to his sibling. "If he won't show us some respect, then we will make him show respect!"

(Y/N): "And how would you.. Propose such an idea?"

Gordon: "I will speak with the Fat Controller. He will surely listen to our demands.. After all, we are important, essential, reliable, and a connection to the mainland.. Except, James.."

James: "Poppycock! I'm just as essential as you, three! I may be smaller than you, but I'm slightly bigger than Edward.. And there's nothing wrong with wooden brake blocks either.."

(Y/N) and Henry rolled their eyes. The turntable soon reached the adjacent birth next to Henry as (Y/N) wearily backed into the shed. He fell asleep almost immediately.


(Y/N) awakened abruptly, his eyes flickering open for a fleeting moment before adjusting to his unfamiliar surroundings. The lush, undulating landscapes surrounding him were a far cry from the familiar, golden-hued hills of the Island of Sodor. Bewilderment etched across his face, (Y/N) scanned the alien sights, only to discover the absence of the reassuring railway tracks beneath his buffer beam.

A surge of shock and trepidation gripped (Y/N). Uncertain of his circumstances, he instinctively moved forward, each wheel turn seemingly guided by an unseen force. Despite the absence of rails to guide him, (Y/N) ascended slopes of varying sizes and navigated turns he had never thought possible.

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