LNER A1 Pacific - Chapter IV

41 3 2

1927 - June

(Y/N)'s POV

The Northwestern Railway has been an experience to say the least. It seems there is always something happening, whether it'd be softball game at the picket field, the political influence of the British Parliament, or other global conflicts that all we engines can do is theorize and hope for the best.

After stating my quaint little lie about what I was experiencing in my dream last month, the Fat Director decided to make me feel more a part of his steam team by letting me choose my own livery. Typically, I went with the NWR Blue, similar to Thomas, Edward, and Gordon.

I'd have to admit, I was the smartest looking engine in the shed that day when I returned from Crovan's Gate. Although, Henry simply rolled his eyes and wheeshed at me whenever I brought up my paintwork. Eventually, even that too, would fade from my mind.

It was the beginning of summertime on this small little Island and I've been bored out of my mind since then. I didn't know how to spend it, but the workload kept me busy. The sun shined in the vibrant blue sky, shining onto my paintwork.

Myself, like Gordon is a guaranteed connection in keeping this Island afloat, however I know what I'm doing when it comes to delivering the greatest expertise and dealing with it responsibly, unlike my sibling.

It was another average day when I pulled into the second platform at Vicarstown where many Englishmen from the mainland come to relinquish in the Sodor Sun for the Summer. Gordon was there at the time and we engaged in another conversation like we usually do.

Gordon: "You are late." He said with a stern expression on his face.

(Y/N): "Late? I'm right on time, dear sibling. See?" I avert my gaze to the clock mounted on a pole. The clock showcasing twelve o' clock on the spot.

Gordon huffed. "By a few seconds. Hence, why I'm on platform one unlike yourself.. Who is on platform two."

(Y/N): "What is your point, Gordon? It doesn't matter what platform I've arrived at. As long as I'm on time and ensure the safety of my passengers, then that means I'm really useful and reliable." I retorted. Glancing outward to the vast expansion of the edges of the station which lead to Barrow-In-Furness.

Gordon: "By being really useful would mean also having good time management. I, too, take pride transporting my passengers, but having you arrive moments after I'm turned around for my home journey.. It's.. It's.. It's disgraceful!"

I rolled my eyes. I knew he was overexaggerating, but couldn't help, but find myself chuckling. Gordon must've caught wind of my laughter because he then asked "What are you laughing about? What's so funny?"

(Y/N): "Oh, nothing. I've simply remembered that one phrase people always said."

Gordon raised an eyebrow to the direction of the voice being projected by (Y/N). 

Gordon: "And what would that be?"

(Y/N): "Better Late than Never. Honestly, Gordon, you've been on this Island for four years, this is clearly different from London."

Gordon: "I have a timetable to keep, the express waits for no one."

(Y/N): "Not even me?"

Gordon: "Not even you, dear sibling. If one needs to show the competence of the LNER, I would prove it with stride."

Once again I rolled my eyes. The guard for Gordon's train blew his whistle. Gordon blew his whistle in return to signify his departure and with little effort he left the station, heading back to Knapford Station.

Tales of the Northwestern Railway (Reader x Thomas and Friends)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon