LNER A1 Pacific - Chapter V

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1927 - June

The gentle, balmy temperatures ushered in by the spring breeze swiftly yielded to the burgeoning warmth of summer as the season unfolded along the Railway. A surge of activity ensued as businesses sprang to life, and jubilant children reveled in the anticipation of the impending release from the structured confines of their educational pursuits. Families, tourists, and a diverse array of individuals yearning to liberate themselves from the shackles of daily work eagerly sought refuge for a rejuvenating span of leisure in the weeks that lay ahead.

However, this translated into increased responsibilities for the LNER and the LMS, yet the situation wasn't entirely unfavorable. Employees found solace in the form of a well-deserved raise, compensating for their extended hours toiling in the yard, orchestrating the assembly of trains, allocating them to their designated locations, and diligently ensuring the secure transport of cargo within the confines of the freight vans.

Having recently reappeared at the reclaimed Sodor terminal in Vicarstown, the esteemed Fat Director found himself summoned for a meeting by the Board of Directors representing British Railways. Eager to ensure that Sir Topham Hatt's operations on the quaint island remained not only profitable but also contributed to the growth of the LNER (London North Eastern Railway) and the overarching future prospects of British Railways, the Board was poised for a discussion of strategic importance. However, the Inspectors would be speaking hand as they still needed to run the offices in Great Britain.

The gathering unfolded within a conference room nestled within the heart of the Vicarstown terminal. The Inspectors, an assembly of resolute and formidable individuals, were unwavering in their pursuit of operational efficiency. Their commitment knew no bounds, whether it meant confronting the potential escalation in unemployment, dismantling specific job sites, or even contemplating the retirement of certain engines—no obstacle seemed too daunting in their quest for streamlined excellence.

Nolan reassured, "Think of it as an inspection, Sir Topham. Rest assured, we're here to assist your railway, not dismantle it," asserted one of the members. Despite the calming words, the Fat Director remained apprehensive. Inhaling deeply, he released a quiet sigh, the unease lingering in the air.

Bertram chuckled nervously, "Well, yes I do know.. But, its still stressful." He reached into his breast pocket, producing a handkerchief to dab at his forehead, where beads of sweat had accumulated. 

Nolan suggested, "Maybe a drink of water could cool your thoughts? Along with some fresh air to go alongside it. Rest assured, this inspection would go smoother if you weren't busy turning the place into a sauna with all that sweat."

The Fat Director, though still uneasy, yielded to Nolan's suggestion. Exiting the conference room, he employed his black top hat as an improvised fan, attempting to alleviate the warmth. The building's infrastructure was contemporary, featuring personal water fountains. Finding one nearby, he indulged in a sip of the cold water, a refreshing sensation that instantly eased his troubled mind.

Upon returning, the Inspectors suggested to see the majority of the railway, they would rely on rail transportation. Gordon would be the one pulling the train as scheduled. The GNR A1 Pacific was ecstatic and would soon start boasting about it once more, much to (Y/N) dismay.

Thomas, in particular, harbored a deep sense of displeasure. Since the incident last week when he forgot the coaches at the platform, denying him another chance to pull a train, the constant reminders from others had become irksome. The monotony of being restricted to the Tidmouth yard had become wearisome for him.

Thomas muttered with a huff, "Life isn't fair! All the big engines get to haul trains, but here I am, never getting a chance to embark on a journey myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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